do diaphragm pumps reverse pump?

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Senior Member
Apr 16, 2012
Vessel Name
formerly owned Puffin/Lilliana
Vessel Make
Willard 30/40
On two occasions I have found a blockage in the line going from my water tank">fresh water tank to the ship's pressure pump. I have cleared the line by using an air pump to force air back into the tank.

Now i am wondering if I could just reverse the +/- 12v leads on the diaphragm water pump. Could I then force water from the hot water tank back into the main tank? Do diaphragm pumps reverse this way?

I don't need advice on finding the cause of the blockage. that is a topic for another time.


Most all diaphragm pumps have a one way valve on the inlet and outlet, so the flow can only go in one direction. In fact, if the motor will run in reverse, the pump would still flow in the same direction.


Edit: Don't back pressure through the pump as it will likely damage the valves.
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OK. thanks for that.

Suppose I reverse the inlet and outlet hoses, will water then pump from the hot water tank into the main freshwater tank? The pressure switch on the pump would be sensing a low pressure head from the tank and should then run. I think???
Your water tank is vented. The other side of your FW pump is not. Vacuum pressure would probably prevent you from pumping more than a cup of water. Exception to this would be if an accumulator tank was installed. The accumulator tank would supply water depending on the size of the tank.

Now you could open a hot water faucet, this would allow for some ventilation and the possibility of achieving your goal.
That's my plan. to open a hot water faucet. thank you.

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