Dog pee & poop on the boat

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Don’t tell me you guys dispose the the dog pee and poo overboard!!! No doggy holding tanks on your boats?
I’m not going to step into the poop discussion :lol: but regarding training an adult dog to use a pad I was successful using a small piece of sod in that upside down rubber mate bin lid. Waited the initial hesitation out and eventually the dog figured out grass is grass. During winter here in NY I get mail order squares of sod roughly 1.5 ft square delivered. Am now working on pulling the switcheroo and getting her to use just pads.
Enough already about dog pee and poop

dog on toilet.jpg
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Easy solution, dump the poo and pee overboard with the whale, sealion, and other critters of the sea.

I didn't say I did like the thread. I'm stating its been a long winter when issues like this come around as to what to do with dog poop. Dump overboard or take it back to the marina, which it appears you may support. Nothing wrong, I guess.
Ya but can they work the foot flusher
What, People didn’t have dogs on boats until after the mid 1970’s? They couldn’t contemplate that?

No, I don’t think dogs going here or there, does any harm. Nature evolved to recycle given enough space time and resources. It’s when waste is not diffused but concentrated, like human civilization does, that we run in to problems. No, a dog is not the same as someone emptying their 50 gallon holding tank in one spot.
It would not be one spot if the holding tank is dumped while underway. No harm? Nice try at spinning bad behavior.

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