Dog Safety

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That's a "working dog". She is checking for jet skis and will warn us if any approach. :rolleyes:
Pooch PFD's

We homeport on the Tennessee river and lock tenders require everyone have a PFD on when entering the lock. We use a tether setup and PFD for our dog. The PFD has top retrieval handles, it works better for the dog in the water than on deck as it restricts rounding corners for them.


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Troy, ready for action.


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This reminds me of the time our now departed Standard Poodle decided to escape our house and ran through the electric fence. He instantly learned the boundary and was afraid to come back. I took the electric collar off of his neck and then coaxed and walked him back through the boundary area. I did however make a rather shocking error by putting the electric collar into my pocket. I actually think I heard him laugh. G-d, I miss that dog.
...I did however make a rather shocking error by putting the electric collar into my pocket. I actually think I heard him laugh...

Man, that part alone was worth the read:thumb:
I needed the chuckle this morning, thanks:D

Not really boat related but I never thought the electric dog fence was a great idea. First, as mentioned above, if the dog somehow gets outside the perimeter of the fence, he/she will not come back in. Second, while it may keep your dog in, it won't keep other dogs out so unless your dog is the biggest, baddest dog in the neighborhood, he or she may be in danger of attack from other dogs and will have no place to run to.
Fee a kelpie we tried to "rescue" from California. Turns out the bitches would not get along. Not that unusual for a pair of female pups to not get along. Tough however I really had gotten attached to the little girl. Very quick and a lot of fun but man talk about drive and in want of a steady job.

One would think boat life could be a bit tough on these breeds, but the beach , work, dingy rides etc all just become part of there "job".

She ended up at a farm with an experienced kelpie owner. Still miss the pup.

Sorry for the T C .


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