engine room blower problems

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Aug 1, 2023
I have a Grand banks Heritage 47EU. my engine room blowers are not working. i was wondering if anyone had the 12VDC wiring diagram for this boat or any comments/suggestions
Don't know your boat, but FWIW one time we had problems with an ER blower it turned out to be an in-line fuse, very near the unit itself.

Welcome aboard. Check the power at the blower. If it has power then the blower could be bad. If it doesn’t have power then look for a fuse or breaker that is tripped.
I have a Grand banks Heritage 47EU. my engine room blowers are not working. i was wondering if anyone had the 12VDC wiring diagram for this boat or any comments/suggestions

Welcome aboard,

Indeed check the voltage on your cables and make sure you connect the positive to the positive etc. In AC you can get away by switching the wires, but in DC you cannot.
Another important item, which I also did not know at first, is that you cannot hang these blowers on their side or upside down, they will stop to function. They can only be mounted one way, so check that with the producer.

Mine switched themselves off after about 5 min, turned out they were dirty inside. Had them cleaned and changed the position in which way they were hanging. Now they work fine.
However, am still not impressed by the amount of air they can move. The specifications state 400 cubic meters of air per hour and that is not enough to keep my ER cool. So I added an industrial blower that can do 4500 m3 per hour. Now I at least can keep my ER at a normal temp.
So once you have them working do check the efficiency.
It should be a simple electrical trouble shooting exercise.

If it diesel powered you really dont need an engine room blower. If it is just for convenience use a box fan until you find the source of the problem.

I have a Grand banks Heritage 47EU. my engine room blowers are not working. i was wondering if anyone had the 12VDC wiring diagram for this boat or any comments/suggestions

Do you have an automatic fire bottle in the engine room? If so, the blowers are likely controlled by a shut down system.

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