Freezing temps in Pensacola

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Nov 26, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2008 Island Packet PY/SP
I’ve not experienced freezing temps on my boat before, and was surprised to see freezing temps possible in Pensacola this weekend. The forecast only shows temps of 32 degrees for like three hours. Is that enough to freeze water hoses (or whatever freezes on a boat)?

If so I suppose I need to make a trip to the boat to set up a heater or whatever.
I’ve not experienced freezing temps on my boat before, and was surprised to see freezing temps possible in Pensacola this weekend. The forecast only shows temps of 32 degrees for like three hours. Is that enough to freeze water hoses (or whatever freezes on a boat)?

No, shouldn't be a worry because the interior of the boat provides a bit of a buffer and the water it is sitting in is much warmer. Then again, you really don't have the best of luck :ermm:
Probably not. Even though the air temps may be that low, your bilge and hull temps will be controlled by Pensacola Bay. You boat being low profile is likely to stay above freezing even in the cabin.
You should be fine - think of it this way - if you fill an ice cube tray and place it in your freezer - you will not have ice cubes in 3 hours.

If it were going to be much lower than 32 degrees for a longer time period then you may have an issue. If your boat is in the water - the higher water temp will keep your boat warmer than than the air. If your boat is on the hard it is too short of a time to do any kind of damage.
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If Bijou is in the water I think you have no problem. On land you may want to prepare for the next cold snap.
Thanks for the advice on the cold weather. I’m definitely not a cold weather person and I’m usually surprised when it happens.
Thanks for the advice on the cold weather. I’m definitely not a cold weather person and I’m usually surprised when it happens.

Wifey B: You have led a sheltered life on cold weather for a dude from the state that shut down last year due to it. :rofl:

It's magnitudes of cold. So distance below freezing or time below freezing that is critical. I learned that living in NC as I wasn't so use to things freezing either. I now live in the land of no-freeze. :D
That’s true. I was stuck here in Texas during the Greg Abbott Freezathon last February so I suppose I should have learned my lesson by now.

I sort of know how to get my house ready for a freeze, but for a boat I’m still a little mystified.
That’s true. I was stuck here in Texas during the Greg Abbott Freezathon last February so I suppose I should have learned my lesson by now.

I sort of know how to get my house ready for a freeze, but for a boat I’m still a little mystified.

Wifey B: Well, Texas maintains it's electric independence. Free from the rest of the country. Only grid that failed, so proud. :rofl:

Seriously, I'm really worried about Texas this winter. I tried to find where they've made huge improvements so it can never happen again. I couldn't find such. And this is boating because while there were other priorities in coverage like humans and pets and houses and businesses and we're still short of plastic because of all those plants being shut down, there were boats with freezes due to no electricity. :mad:
Our fearless leader Greg has assured us he has fixed the problem. He has prayed it away. [emoji849]

But no, seriously, the powers that be have done NOTHING of substance to insure that it doesn’t happen again. No emergency generators. No real winterizing. Nada. Just hope and prayers.
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Maybe everyone could buy a new F150 with the generator built in, oh right they aren’t available…
Probably not an issue if it's only 32 for a short time. However if the forecast is wrong and goes longer it's stuff on the outside of the boat to think about.

-Cockpit shower
-Anchor washdown
-Reservoir for window washers
-Paints or other products that shouldn't freeze

It really should not be an issue if you're above 32 most of the day and night.
It’s salt water so it freezes at a lower temperature anyway so you are fine with the engine. For inside plumbing you can use an air compressor to blow out the lines on if you are worried but I wouldn’t be.
...Seriously, I'm really worried about Texas this winter.....:

As long as Texans prioritize cheap electricity over reliable electricity this will be a recurring problem. They had similar problems in 1989, 2003, & 2011 and did not solve the problem. The natural gas companies make massive profits from these situations. In the last crisis they raised prices by 12,000%. For example,one company, Energy Transfer, made an extra $2.4 BILLION dollars from the last storm. Why would they want to change anything????? They pobably wish this happened every year!! This may seem harsh but this is a self inflicted wound for Texans and they deserve what they got.
Another thread gone to $%&&%#. It could have been informative dealing with freezes... but politics had to be injected.
As long as Texans prioritize cheap electricity over reliable electricity this will be a recurring problem. They had similar problems in 1989, 2003, & 2011 and did not solve the problem. The natural gas companies make massive profits from these situations. In the last crisis they raised prices by 12,000%. For example,one company, Energy Transfer, made an extra $2.4 BILLION dollars from the last storm. Why would they want to change anything????? They pobably wish this happened every year!! This may seem harsh but this is a self inflicted wound for Texans and they deserve what they got.

All Texans don’t deserve this. Most Texans reject the current politicians in power, but it’s so gerrymandered here and voter suppression is so bad we can’t seem to vote them out unless we turn out in numbers much greater than 50%.

An older friend of mine is spending big money to install a solar setup that will power his entire house and give him total independence from our shaky grid because he’s scared he can’t rely on it. Seems crazy that we have to constantly worry and spend lots of our own money for redundancies like generators to get reliable electricity in 2022, but that’s where we are in Texas, and it’s because of political mismanagement.

Here is some of the crap we are currently dealing with. Our state is run by these big energy companies because they own the politicians.
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