Hello! New guy here!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Jul 20, 2024
Hey everyone! My name is Shane, been occasionally lurking around here and decided to join up. I don’t even own a boat yet, but I think this is the right spot to learn for now.

What is my goal, you ask? Well, the Loop for sure. It must be done. The how I get a boat is fairly well in motion. I actually work on a tugboat three weeks on, three weeks off which is cool enough. Within two years I’ll be in the mate program learning to drive, so I have that going.

Which boat is the hard part, I love the Nordic 32 and Ranger 29/31. They would be used of course, I’m a working stiff so new may never be a thing for me. Then there is the old school Marine Trader, Monks etc. I’m so lost on the best option. Work hard for a couple years and spend 150-200k on a quality boat or 50-60k and roll the dice? I’ll figure it out when the time is right.

Enough out of me. Just wanted to introduce myself, tell you why I’m here and continue lurking, looking up posts that may answer my questions.

Stay well! 🙏
Hey, Charlie! I love those Marine Trader a lot! The craftsmanship and woodwork in them is top notch! Who doesn’t like wood?! 🙏
Good boats are out there and can be found by diligently looking. I think I spent a good 10yrs dreaming & looking but finally the right boat came to me.

We bought her in '10 and last year, '23, completed our 8yr Loop.

There is a lot to get into wise so for me the best way I could help you would be to PM with you. When you get a question let me know. Take it a step at a time.

This is quite a trip, some frustration and a lot of enjoyment.
Welcome. Consider that if you get a project boat and are still working, you'll use all you off time working on a boat which may not be able to support you properly for underway adventures. I bought an "affordable" Grand Banks 42 many years ago while still working, and it needed some immediate help but was still able to support us for the trips we wanted to make in her. It is definitely a trade-off. Kept that boat for 29 years.
We've been happy with our 2005 Camano 31', bought in 2017. It has proven very reliable, and has features that fit with Florida cruising - full keel with skeg-protected prop - an advantage in shallow water. It has enough power (200 hp turbo) to run up to 15.1 kt. (my boat max), to get to protected water in somewhat of a hurry if not fuel-efficiently. But, normal hull speed plus 1.5kt is fairly efficient. Many have generators for running with A/C. No exterior wood. Flybridge is great for a little breeze and max visibility, but the cabin also has outstanding visibility. I don't think I've ever heard of a Camano having become a "project boat" - Every one I've ever seen looked nicely maintained at least on the outside. Several Camano 31s were listed in last year's Great Loop list. I did Bristol RI to NC for my delivery cruise, including NJ off shore. Boat yard folks say they are easy to work on. Check one out while you're looking..... There is a Camano link on TF so there are plenty of owners to chat with. I also regard the 32'/34' Nordic Tugs highly - the owners I know have been very pleased. More cost but also more displacement, larger salon, etc.
Have fun boat shopping!
NCheaven - because it is!
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