Art, I bought mine on like for a low price. Just do a google search for butane portable stove. It came with a hard plastic case, and I ordered a carton of 6 fuel canisters. It burns hot so heats up quickly. I'm happy with it, and Miss Lou is happy to not be disturbed by my working around the galley. When weather is not good I make it on the wet bar on the helm deck.
I love the early mornings at anchor. Hearing the sounds, and watching the sun come up while having a good cup of coffee is such a pleasure.[/QUOTE]
MOF - I like waking very-early
every morning... each day offers the last chance for that day we'll ever have. IMO - Best for us all to get all-of-
it while we can!
My standard sched: Bed and asleep by 10, up and at em by 5 +/-. Going to sleep takes me seconds and at upon waking it's seconds to when I rise. I don't use alarm clocks.
Happy Life Daze! - Art