Back to using H to power boats.
We are looking at a boat that has at least 5KW of solar panels. Unless we stayed at higher latitudes in the winter, we would have a surplus of power generation. This is really a sea change, pun intended, because with that much surplus power, and the ability to store and use it efficiently with LiFePO batteries, power would not really be a concern.
So what to do with that excess power generation?
Going hybrid makes quite a bit of sense based on where and how we would use the boat. We could very likely move the boat and use little to no diesel for many, many trips. It looks like it makes money sense, but until we sign a contract, that is a variable.
The other option I have looked into in regards of the surplus power, is H generation. Diesel engine OEMs are looking to, and have, converted their engines to use H. Electric power simply cannot supply the energy needed in some equipment for the time equipment needs to run to do the work but H powered engines would meet the job requirements and emission regulations. For example, an excavator, bulldozer, backhoe needs to work 8-12 hours a day on jobs and batteries just can't supply that much power for that amount of time. Then there are tractors and combines, that at harvest time, can run most of 24 hours. Batteries ain't getting it done.
The questions I have regarding H and boats:
- Can we convert a diesel engine to run H?
- Can we generate H with PV power on the boat?
- Can H be stored on the boats?
- How much range would one have with H stored on the boat?
- Does this make money sense?
The only real answer I have found was for 1. Diesel engines can be made to run on H. I think we can produce H on a boat but it was not clear to me if the equipment could fit on the boat and produce the required amount of H that would be needed. Storing H in an amount for large range seems problematic as well. Certainly, at this point, even if 2, 3, and 4 were possible, I don't think it makes any money sense.
Flip side, think about the possibilities. Short of long passages, most of our "trips" would be a 4-8 hours, with some getting up to 12-24 hours, or 30-60 NM to maybe 200NM from time to time
With that use case, when one is sitting in one place and has surplus power, after filling up the batteries, one could make H to fuel the next trip. If the range was long enough, and H generation fast enough, one would be very independent....
But we don't seem to be there yet, and maybe never will be, but it is possible.