Is It Time For Another "Hall of Famer?"

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Ms. Janet. Due to distances involved this is the best I could do.....


Respectable boaters serve port wine. :ermm:


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Let's just keep on having good conversations and informational exchanges.


P.S. I think it's polite/respectful to wear socks (shoeless) on a boat as shown here by my guest Jay Wiggins in the white hat in a discussion with my brother-in-law and Dad. (Jay sailed via his trawler Moon Angel with his wife Benita to Mexico late 2011.)
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As I watch the snow pile up around me in the Utah mountains I have a choice to make, should I go run the snow blower while it is still snowing or have another cup of coffee and contemplate this momentus decision of HOF nominee. Having met many of the TF members and candidates this choice weighs heavily on my mind. So many choices ---------- which one is on performance enhancing drugs will not affect my thinking, unless of course Barry Bonds were in the group.

I have to knock a few points off Mark because too many of his miles have been spent on a cruise ship and not enough piloting his well found sea boat in the seas outside of the Golden Gate. But of course he gains points by starting his "double the trouble or not" thread which is almost to the mythical 500 number (are you getting an advertisement kickback based upon hits Mark?). Egads, some of you even took this single vs twin seriously especially the late comer Dear Prudence who is still afloat with a 3'X3' gaping hole where a strut used to be!

Marin is hands down the writer and confrontational soul the world and this Forum demand. (Not as much as RickB though who keeps the rest of us honest. I'm always fearful of a "Sunchaser you're a dumb a$$" comeback) If only Marin had the time to travel a few more miles on his keel, skeg or shoe rather than wirte about it. But he has to work for a living to get the big bucks to acquire the Fleming 55 or rebuild his GB 36.

This past May I once again had the pleasure to dock in Thorne Bay near Eric's boat. He was in the final stages of readying his Willy (?) to head South many miles through waves, winds and currents that Daddyo can only guess at. Willy is not a large vessel nor is it adorned with creature comforts such as a pop up TV, blue tooth connecting meaningless data, stabilizers, 30 HP dinghy or a get home engine. It is a basic well found sea boat doing what sea farers have done forever, going out. After some congenial time spent over food, drink and outlandish stories on both sides, Willy was off. His trip was well documented with big seas encountered, countervailing currents, adverse weather and mechanical problems found and solutions applied.

But Eric is more than Willy, he is the guy who does what many on this Forum fantasize about and lurk for - real stuff and dreams. RTF is a HOFer for being erudite and funny and we all know he understands the game we post about. Eric would be a great HOF addition because he really does the stuff he posts about, no internet Water Mitty here. Last but not least, he and his wife are pretty nice people too.

Yup Eric has my HOF vote. Next time though I'm voting for Benn. This is a world Forum now.
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Brilliant !!!!!!!!!! Boy, did you cover a lot of bases in that writing!
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Tom how can I be humble enough???

And your DF was the first star of the picture show. I'm doing the pics on FB now and they are better as I now know how to alter the pics enough to "enhance" them considerably. Can't put hydrofoils on boats yet but small changes on many pics work wonders. I really did enjoy posting those Trip South pics and it was a lot of fun to see so many others getting so much out of seeing them. Everybody wants a pice of Alaska.

Thanks Tom ... a lot .. but you are nominated too. Your'e the nice guy w but all the answers but I don't think you get noticed as much like the more abrasive and in your face Marin and Eric. Frequently I'm not on the same page as most on the TF but that gives me great opportunity to slap up the dark horse stuff like acceptance of high rpm engines. Always been like that .... "but what about this?" and then I get the "what planet are you from" looks.

But some probably consider me a bit weird or out in left field. Mark is a bit different but basically warm and fuzzy and can find the humor in most anything ... "don't need no stink'in fly bridge" . As long as wer'e honoring someone Mark should be "da man". Mark should not be rejected or overlooked but then neither of us have. If you had to replace one of us Mark would be the hard one to find a replacement for.
Personally I think we have to many of these..
Is this a mutual admiration society.

We have.
Hall of fame.
Master and commander.
Not to mention
Senior member.
Member. And so on.

I have yet to decide but I am not sure I care for any of it.
I think I would much rather just talk Boats.

That is only me.
But Carry on.

Well Dude as you can see from most of my posts I'm all for "just talk'in boats". And perhaps there's some responsibility attached to this. Could I be a HOF person and stop posting for a few months? Sooner or later I may find something better to do. Perhaps I love my freedom too much for this???
If only Marin had the time to travel a few more miles on his keel, skeg or shoe rather than wirte about it. But he has to work for a living to get the big bucks to acquire the Fleming 55 or rebuild his GB 36.

It's a frustrating thing, no question. Our theory with the GB is the same as everything else we've done: do it as soon as we can rather than "wait until the time is right," ie. retirement. Because we have both seen too many people, our parents among them, harbor dreams that they plan to act on when "the time is right," but then the time never comes.

When I used to participate on T&T there were almost monthly posts from people who had finally retired, sold the house, sold this, sold that, spent a year finding the perfect boat for the Great Loop or the Inside Passage or whatever, bought it, outfitted it to their every whim, and then one or the other or sometime both of them developed serious medical issues that forced the sale of the boat and the end of the dream.

This is why we started flying floatplanes to Alaska when one could question if we should have been spending the money to do that, or going to England repeatedly to run narrowboats, or buying the GB when we could have made a financial case for not doing it. We do not want to put off something we really want to do until "the time is right." Because the chances are, it never will be.

Our current frustration with the GB is not so much not using it. We've owned it for 14 years now and with very few exceptions have gone up and stayed on it every weekend during all these years. We have friends who have a cabin in on the east slope of the Cascades that they go to as frequently as they can throughout the year. We use the GB the same way.

So the boat is certainly not being neglected. The systems get run every week, we catch and fix any little problems the crop up like failing canvas seams and so on. And we take it out as often as my schedule and the weather permit and we usually manage a two or three week cruise every fall.

But our cosmetic to-do list is huge with brightwork, paint, sole refinishing, headliner replacement, etc., etc. , etc. THAT is what we find most frustrating about not having the time for due to work and whatnot.

But better this frustration than lying in the nursing home wishing we'd of had a cruising boat.......
Upon further reflection I think I am being a bit of party pooper.

After all this is and should be the fun part of TF.

Let the Nominations continue.

Sorry folks. I will go to my room now.

RT you seem to have a picture for every occasion. Amazing.

VERY HEAVY and relative stuff for a sunny friday afternoon. The thing you obviously are unaware of YET is that after you retire you'll have even less time to work on the boat. I know it makes no sense now so I'll not try and convince you thus. But given the time you can always go forth without having the boat ready ... assuming basic things are in order. Postponing a trip because the cap rail needs varnish or the canvas needs replacing is condemning your self to self inflicted slavery. Some people even do lots of maintenance along the way. As long as your'e in good health there will be plenty of time for boating after work. Think positive. It will happen. But when the time comes ... do it.

I'm actually amazed you get up to the boat so often. Who takes care of your house?
Mr. Eric. It's not too hard to formulate a comment, observation or opinion into a visual given the internet and the way my synapses fire/misfire. A picture's worth a thousand....and cuts down on the verbosity occasionally. Amazing is a relative term.
Ms. Janet. Due to distances involved this is the best I could do.....


Ah, man ... how about a platter of weeters?

Both are worthy bids for my proxy (whenever the slate of nominees is set). I also like single malts, large square cut diamonds, shiny new diesel engines, etc... am I required to share? :rofl:
Eric--- We never postpone a cruise because we need or want to varnish or whatever. Often we can do some of this work during the cruise. And you're right, I'll have plenty to do if and when I retire. Actually, even if I retire from Boeing I'll probably come back as a consultant producer plus I have plenty of my own writing projects I want to work on. So I do not see myself ever retiring from "work."

But even with all that we'd still have more time to work on the boat (and we enjoy working on the boat, which helps). Right now we don't dare tackle big projects like putting in a new headliner in the main cabin and so on because we know these kinds of project would have to be done in fits and starts and we don't' want to tear the boat up for the length of time that would be required. Right now we keep the boat ready to go whenever we are.

Mark (and Eric)--- We only have one house and it's pretty small although we've added on to it over the years. I'm not into houses--- as long as the roof doesn't leak and the heat works in the winter I'm happy. My wife is a semi-professional cook and baker so we finally replaced the electric range the house was built with and got her a proper dual fuel range along with a really nice refrigerator last month. But outside of the occasional thing like this, the house has to pretty much look after itself.
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Well, you've all nominated the same three deserving souls that I would have....Mark, Marin and Eric. Is there enough for 4 members at the dinner table?
Mark (and Eric)--- We only have one house and it's pretty small although we've added on to it over the years. I'm not into houses---

Same here. Have a small condo (how otherwise for me to afford a boat). The Coot is much more suitable for entertaining friends.
Well, you've all nominated the same three deserving souls that I would have....Mark, Marin and Eric. Is there enough for 4 members at the dinner table?

You only need enough space at the table for two or three. I withdraw the nomination of my name for the reasons I've stated earlier.

People like Eric, Mark, Tom (Sundowner) and so on are the ones you want. As someone pointed out earlier, quantity does not equal quality. I don't even like the title "Guru" under my name although I know it is only assigned on the basis of the number of posts to the forum. I would much prefer a term like "Veteran" or something which implies a long time, not "Guru" which implies you know something.
Mark, Marin and Eric, all great choices:thumb:
I don't even like the title "Guru" under my name although I know it is only assigned on the basis of the number of posts to the forum. I would much prefer a term like "Veteran" or something which implies a long time, not "Guru" which implies you know something.

Just ask a moderator to change your title. My "master and commander" (a rank lower than "captain") title was self-appointed.
Just ask a moderator to change your title. My "master and commander" (a rank lower than "captain") title was self-appointed.

It's not exactly on my list of things that are important. The moderators and owner can do with the forum what they want. I'm just saying I think the term Guru is misleading. It's not in the case of someone in the case of Rick B, for example, but it certainly is for me.

I much prefer the way they to it on the GB owners forum which is to list the member's date of joining, their total number of posts (which I think is irrelevant), and an acknowledgement if they are a supporting (donating) member. That's it.
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Same for me, but hey, what's in a name..?
Well looks like it's time for us to retire, and consider the vote. If Marin wants off the list, maybe we should respect that desire...?
Perhaps while we are pondering, we should all partake of some of this...just to hone our minds, so to speak....


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You only need enough space at the table for two or three. I withdraw the nomination of my name for the reasons I've stated earlier.

Nevertheless, it is the "Hall of Fame". As has been pointed out from time to time, one doesn't have to agree with another to value another. You're right about others contributions and that they could be even greater over a shorter period of time. I'd like to vote for them too, but it seems like the fame should go with the Hall of Fame. You're famous.
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