Just GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oct 1, 2007
Vessel Name
Floatsome & Jetsome
Vessel Make
Meridian 411
I thought it was neat how that "Perfect Loop Boat" thread evolved. *The common thought and conclusion was to "Just GO" while you still have time and your health. *There is a local artist down here that many of you may have heard of, Kelly McGuire, that has a song EXACTLY about this subject. *"Redfish Island" is the name of the song. *The reason for the name is that most people don't go past it when they take their boats out around here. *My wife and I call it "The edge of the world" since you would think people would fall off the side of the workd if they went past it. *ANyway....without further adieu....this is just a cut and past from his website. *If you think you might be interested in his music, visit www.redfishisland.com .

Redfish Island

I've got dreams about the ocean
To sail the seven seas
Or catch a gulfstream breeze
And hide out in the Keys
Take my time and live my life
Just the way I please
But why am I afraid to sail away
She's a good boat and she's sturdy
And I know she'd pass the test
I've fitted her out perfectly
I know she's the best
And patiently she waits for me
She's ready I can tell
But her body's never felt the ocean swell

It's a long way from Redfish to the Islands
It could take a week or more
And there could be a storm
No I don't wanna die on Redfish Island*
So just push me to the Gulf and set me free
'Cause that's the only way I'll live my dream
It was Saturday they told me
About Jimmy down the dock
How a heart attack had stopped him dead
I thought about our talk
He swore that in a year he planned
To lay his lawbooks down
Now his boat's for sale and Jimmy's in the ground
The next week I was busy
Sold my house and sold my car
Sold nearly ev'rything I own
Except this old guitar
Stepped aboard my lady love
And steered her out to sea
'Cause that city life had done enough to me
It was funny when we lived aboard the slip next to us became available and then it was soon filled by a Hunter 45. It was a couple from Iowa and we became fast friends with them. There whole motivation for selling everything and buying a boat and going cruising was that "Redfish Island" album. Now they are "out there" somehwere.
Listen to him folks.

We had the dream all planned.**Just looking for the right boat when the Admiral was diagnosed with MS.

Now she is confined to a wheel chair most days.

I have now been searching for a boat that is wheel chair friendly or one I can modify to make so.

Our *dream has not ended.**Just made more difficult to attain.

She still lets me play on my boat as she puts it.* When the tide is high enough to get down the ramp with her power chair. She has even gone out for short cruises with me.*

If you can do, it do it now or soon. You never know what curves life can throw into your plans.


-- Edited by skipperdude on Wednesday 9th of March 2011 01:46:28 PM
Along the same vein here is one of my favorites. I copied it from a trawler site years ago.
No idea who wrote it if anyone does know who the author is please let me know.
Steve W

A small boy heard the ocean roar,
There are secrets on my distant shore,
But beware my child, the ships bells wail,
Wait not to long to start to sail.

So quickly come and go the years,
And a young adult stands abeach with fears,
Com on, Come on the ocean cussed,
Time passes on. Oh sail you must.

Now its business in mid-aged prime,
And maybe tomorrow there will be time,
Now is too soon, its raining today,
Gone all gone-years are eaten away.

An old man looks, still feeling the lure,
Yet hell suffer the pain, than go for the cure,
The hair is white, the steps with care,
The tide has turned, he is aware.

So all too soon the secrets are buried,
Along with him and all regrets he carried,
And its not for the loss of secrets he cried,
But rather because hed never tried.
Yes go for it!
Since many trawler buyers are retired they have to remember that the time to do it it is when they can. A few times each year I have clients tell me that a health issue has changed their plans and they will not be buying. I can not mention that to a buyer when they are looking, it would sound like the worst sales tactic possible!
It is better to do the loop on a boat that is not quite perfect, than to sit on the dock watching the perfect ones go by!
So what you all are saying is that you are trying to get me to go ahead and pack the family up now and hit the water road?

I need to set up a paypal account so you guys can help fund the dream! :)
Woodsong wrote:

So what you all are saying is that you are trying to get me to go ahead and pack the family up now and hit the water road?

I need to set up a paypal account so you guys can help fund the dream! :)

Tony because of your age, you have a tougher call than the rest of us.* The way I see it, if you stay you may build too much to walk away from or something you don't want to walk away from.* If you spend a year or two on the Loop or other cruising, you still have time to settle back into land life.* It's your call, but time is not as critical for you.
Right on Don.**It is hard to start over after you hit 50 or so.

There is a lot to be said about Woodsong getting it under his belt now.

The thing he has now with is family is what I think makes it also time sensitive.

I know people think it is wrong to yank the kids away from the mainstream,

but for better or worse it would be a year they never forget and will mold them in a

positive way.

Sat. TV--Home schooling--rental car trips to the mall and family for the holidays---

come on we not talking about taking them to the Moon.

Tony, The years will dull the urge but the shoulda woulda couldas suck!

I hope you can do it and keep your home in Atlanta for now, thats the kind of thing

that gives the kids security.

Glad I don't have this decision to make (any more).


-- Edited by JohnP on Wednesday 9th of March 2011 03:42:46 PM
This thread is so relevant to me. Those poems are so true. I have been lucky enough to circumnavigate with my family when younger. Sure, there was a huge financial and career penalty for doing that but I have no regrets. My health situation has changed and it crystallized in my mind when my wife and I were doing a Pacific crossing a couple years ago. As well as the physical exertion factor, it just didn't*feel right that at any moment she could have been left to handle our sailing yacht by herself. My children and I were always the sailors. When we reached home the decision was made to sell our yacht.

After discussing our dreams I feel very lucky that she has agreed to accompany me on one*more adventure. We have switched to a trawler because we*still want to undertake those long voyages and I feel more comfortable from a physical perspective with a trawler and*that my wife can handle the situation should the worst occur in some faraway place. None of us know*if we have a day or decades left but*one thing is at the forefront in my mind - boy, am I glad I did the voyages I did when I could. Hopefully there are lots of miles still to go.
Whew I can hardly read this thread without tears welling up!* So much has happened to so many ppl I know.**We plan to get a bit more of a nest egg saved before we go cruising but we hope to leave in October of next year.* At least one of us will*be working as we go (that would be me).** We are "young" early 40s but I have seen too much to take "youth" and health for granted.*
One thing is for sure, time and health are not guaranteed to anyone.

Time, in theory, is on my side since we are young. However, I am also aware it's either do something soon or probably wait til the kids are out of college. Not sure how we'd be able to do something like this when they are older and established in school.

Ok. I have got to stop visiting TF and boating forums in general. You all just put all kinds of funny ideas in my head, or more accurately stated, you don't do anything but encourage these strange thoughts! :)

As that song goes, I was born with "nomad feet and wanderin' toes...."

I always loved traveling. In fact, today is the 13th anniversary of the start of my second thru hike of the Appalachian Trail. Time sure flies.
I am approaching retirement, but I can't go yet. My pention starts in a year and a half from now and I need it plus access to my retirement account to buy the trawler and get going. After I reach 60 (I'm 58 now), watch out! I'm going to hit the water with a trawler.
There is a Hershire in Clear lake City,Texas that I looked at,the owner is in a wheel chaie and he has it fixed up for him. Even using the mast and crne to lift him on board. Teak decks needed love. Hand rails everywhere. Its on Yachtworld. BB
Woodsong wrote:

One thing is for sure, time and health are not guaranteed to anyone.

Time, in theory, is on my side since we are young. However, I am also aware it's either do something soon or probably wait til the kids are out of college. Not sure how we'd be able to do something like this when they are older and established in school.

Ok. I have got to stop visiting TF and boating forums in general. You all just put all kinds of funny ideas in my head, or more accurately stated, you don't do anything but encourage these strange thoughts! :)

As that song goes, I was born with "nomad feet and wanderin' toes...."

I always loved traveling. In fact, today is the 13th anniversary of the start of my second thru hike of the Appalachian Trail. Time sure flies.
Tony, do it now if you can. Your kids will go with you now, later is another story.*** Can you really see yourself following Trawlerforum for the next 10-15-20 years waiting for the right time to GO?

Guys I was 46 when I decided to build my boat (with a lot of assistance) .
I started with about enough money to build the hull and some machinery.
I did a hell of a lot of the engineering work myself (it is my profession) and then sold everything I owned over the next 3 years until the boat was completed. (that is a misnomer a boat is never completed) I have replaced, rebuilt an incredible number of components over the last 15 years. I think I nearly have it right.
Once the boat was fitted out I was just about completely broke but extremely happy.
I still had a good job and went cruising for a lot of weeks every year.
Some of these trips were fishing/spear fishing trips with my mates and other times the Boss and I just cruised the bay or went up north.
Have never regretted this and now want to spend more time cruising as I hopefully taper of the work schedule once again.

The helth issues are the biggest stopper you will face as you get older and also having to stay home and look after your own folks as they are in their dottage.

get Out there and do it.

IF you want to cruise the loop, it is far more a personal concept of how much room you think you need.Or the "image" your ego needs to display.

In the CT boat yard is a 25 Bayliner Cierra , about $2000 , some clean up and you are on your way.
FF wrote:

IF you want to cruise the loop, it is far more a personal concept of how much room you think you need.Or the "image" your ego needs to display.

In the CT boat yard is a 25 Bayliner Cierra , about $2000 , some clean up and you are on your way.
******** FF,* I like the way you think ---Every dollar not spent on a big boat purchase is available to spend on the TRIP and home expenses while you are GONE!


"Every dollar not spent on a big boat purchase is available to spend on the TRIP and home expenses while you are GONE!"

A small boat also has 10X the market size of a big boat.
There are far more folks with a couple of grand than $100,000 for a starter boat.

Its far less a commitment when it can be brought home and dumped in the back yard till needed again.

No ongoing marina fees or sinking worries.

Best of all the Round Trip (buy vs sell) can easily be positive, rather than a loss.

Most cruisers will do small "projects" while enjoying that ideal anchorage , and a brewski, so the boat gets better and better in time.

Condition is the key to boat selling "Paint sells da boat" is the mantra for 5000+ years.

Any small boat that successfully runs the loop, or any 1000 mile + cruise should be worth more than any dock queen of the same brand.
FF wrote:

Any small boat that successfully runs the loop, or any 1000 mile + cruise should be worth more than any dock queen of the same brand.

**********Right,* Boats don't wear out, they die*of neglect sitting idle.


-- Edited by JohnP on Thursday 10th of March 2011 07:17:28 AM
The other Day it dawned on me that you all are Captains of various size vessels, we find our selves being in charge of boats.That being the case we all have a tremendous responsibility, our burden is not to be taken lightly.

Our knowledge of the sea is extensive.

There are those who may *be new to boating *and face an enormouse learning curve.

The Trawlerform we subscribe to is a great class room supported by great teachers ready and waiting *to offer advice an consultation on thousands of marine topics .

I am honored *to be included in the Fraternity

May i dedicate this poem to*Captain Marin C. Faure for his contribution to the Trawlerforum.

When we build, Let us think that we build for ever.
Let it not be for present delight nor present use alone .
Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for ;
and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when
those stones will be held sacred
because our hands have touched
them, and men will say as they look upon the labor and
wrought substance of them
"See this our Father did for us ."

-- Edited by SOMERS on Thursday 10th of March 2011 08:46:54 AM
When i am 90 + 4, I want to do it all over again.
Here are the lyrics to a song a buddy of mine wrote.* I have known him since first grade of school.* Our first on stage performance was in third grade with another buddy who has passed on.* Three ukuleles.* We had a band in high school.

Fantasy by Ron Hall





Of course we have written together such other classics as "Cap'n Ron is Losing His Ass" and that romantic favorite "I Need You Tonight".* One of Ron's other great ones is "Tulips Growing Under My Nose".

-- Edited by Moonstruck on Thursday 10th of March 2011 08:40:04 AM

-- Edited by Moonstruck on Thursday 10th of March 2011 08:51:56 AM
You are 58 ,and pray tell why are you waiting till 60?

What if we all waited till 60 !


I have been screwing around in boats since i was *8 * when i built a floating box which was 4 ft long, H.M.S . Sheffield which i would kneel in and paddle with my hands.

By the way i painted the Sheffield*Battleship Grey. it had 9 x 6" guns and two torpedo tubes.

My brother sank me with his 5 ft paddle boat, H.M.S. Birmingham, he had 8" guns and a paddle.

-- Edited by SOMERS on Thursday 10th of March 2011 10:32:47 AM
Baker wrote:

My wife and I call it "The edge of the world" since you would think people would fall off the side of the world if they went past it.***

I am curious as to what folks on TF consider to be their own "edge of the world".* How far from your home port do you dare to venture?** KJ

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