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Jun 26, 2015
Just joined up. We recently sold our "woodie" - 40 foot Grenfell - and are now considering a 1985 Trans Pacific Eagle 32.
Would appreciate any feedback from current or past owners of Eagle 32s, especially if you have experienced any problems with leaks through the teak decks.


Capt. Steen Jessen, Master Mariner
Victoria, BC
Welcome aboard. Leeks? Vichyssoise...yum.

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Welcome. 8 years ago we did somewhat the same. Sold our 40' wood powerboat and bought a 32' "plastic snot" boat.
Welcome aboard

we have a 1985 here at our Marina seems to floating that is about all I can say
We have a 1989 Eagle 32. Only the aft deck is teak and no problems.
I have a 1987 Eagle 32, all teak decks with no problems. That said I have only owned the boat for a few months. All goes back to previous owner, the more I'm on the boat the more I like it 52 hrs.running time at this point. :thumb:
We have a 32 Transpacific Eagle. 1992 build with all glass decking. A small section of teak decking on aft deck but is under cover. No issues.
We have a 32 Transpacific Eagle. 1992 build with all glass decking. A small section of teak decking on aft deck but is under cover. No issues.

Welcome aboard. Maybe start a new thread with your info since this one is almost 6 years old. You may get more responses to a new thread.

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