New Mod Conscripts

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What we all see in our mind as Jennifer:

Wow!!! exactly.

I prefer to envision all the mods looking like this....

Seriously, how can they lose??????
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Pineapple "girl" and I have corresponded offline a good bit. I am sorry to say that the image provided prior to now of the girl with the pineapple is not really her. After much talking and letting Pineapplegirl know that she was in a safe place and able to be open and honest, she emailed me a picture of her. She doesn't look a lot like what I thought she would be upon reflection, she does have a certain charm:

In light of her truthfulness and openness, it has caused me to decide to come clean as well. Truth be told, the picture I posted of me previously was not really me. Yes, that is in fact how others see me while I am cruising on the water, but my day to day reality isn't 100% always like that. a matter of disclosure, here is a family portrait of myself, my wife Norma Bobby, and my daughter, Bobbie Joe Catherine. My son, Bubba Clyde, took the picture so he is not in it unfortunately but at least now i have come clean with who and what I really am:
Jennifer, get out of Mod Land, Come back over with your friends, the normal people. They're not treating you well over there.
Moonstruck said:
Jennifer, get out of Mod Land, Come back over with your friends, the normal people. They're not treating you well over there.

Lol. I'm here to represent the little people. :). Love you Don!
That's what I was thinking, RP.

They must have recently returned from one of those touchy-feely Moderator Love-in Retreats in some exotic tropical location, complete with an over-abundance of alcohol. I wouldn't be the least surprised if they spent all of the funds from our annual dues on their drunken frivolity. Can't wait to see the pictures from that fiasco!
Jennifer, get out of Mod Land, Come back over with your friends, the normal people. They're not treating you well over there.

They are treating her better than you may think Don. She was showered with gifts upon arrival.


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They must have recently returned from one of those touchy-feely Moderator Love-in Retreats in some exotic tropical location, complete with an over-abundance of alcohol. I wouldn't be the least surprised if they spent all of the funds from our annual dues on their drunken frivolity.

As for the annual dues, see my previous post.
Tch, tch, tch, Jennifer I'm surprised at you holding out on us like that. Has Mod Land changed you that much?
Moonstruck said:
Tch, tch, tch, Jennifer I'm surprised at you holding out on us like that. Has Mod Land changed you that much?

Wait, what did I do? Lol. Do you want some of my swag? The flipper heels might fit you.
Wait, what did I do? Lol. Do you want some of my swag? The flipper heels might fit you.

That is more than I hoped for. Can you ship them over night? I have a party to wear them to. I have a great outfit to go with them.:Thanx:

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