Replacing window gaskets on 2000 NT 32

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Oct 12, 2022
Vessel Make
Nordic Tug 32
Has anyone replaced the window gaskets on their NT? Mine are warped and need replacing.
I’m wondering if I can go to a glass shop or auto shop to get new gaskets or if I need to phone Sea Glaze.
Also wondering if I should rebed windows with butyl tape while I have the gaskets out.
Rebedding with no current issues seems like overkill, the profile of the gaskets is the important thing and I had someone refer me to a company that had probably 100 different profiles, but that was many years ago and I no longer have contact information. Contact Sea Glaze, they will either have it in stock or refer you to a source. Likewise the NT Forum must be full of stuff like this...

Good luck


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