ROI/Sweat Equity v. Reality

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I have bought and sold many boats, too many. Would I go back and change it, no way. I enjoy working on my boats. Although I have come to a time when I am not as able to do the work. I have broken even on several boats and lost money on many more. But what would I have done with the time if it weren’t for the boats? Possibly cocaine, money might have been less. But seriously I need to be working on something or I get bored. So why not boats? I never looked at a boat and thought how much money can I make on it. It is a way of life. I don’t really question it, just do it as the expression goes. My wife doesn’t even ask me anymore about how much something for the boat cost.
I have not bought my trawler YET ,still looking ,but live on large lake and have had boats all my life. A boat is not an investment, it is a lifestyle. I enjoy working on them and the pleasure that it brings me and my wife. When I buy my trawler I am looking for the most bang for my buck. But, I know that I will add to and upgrade systems. When I get too old for it I will lose my ass on sale. BUT, I enjoyed my life, cant put a ROI price on that.
The ROI with all my boats has been the pleasure of having and using them. Day 16 of 17, we go home tomorrow. Can't say I missed home, but I know I will look back as we leave the boat.
If you do not know that feeling then you just own a boat.
4 things I would like to say to the OP:

Did you enjoy the satisfaction you got from viewing your completed efforts? Did you enjoy learning something new while doing all that?

If so, win, win.

My answer is yes & yes.
Now I get funny looks from friends and family when I tell them I enjoy working on the boat.

Now, my wife is taking advantage of me by asking me to fix the lawnmower on my free time.

1) I am in the same camp as the fella's above. Our boat is a project boat that we knew what we were getting into when we bought it.
I enjoy working on it because "Its my hobby". I love seeing something old and broken come back to life. I don't mind putting in the "sweat equity"

2) We have been using it since we got her, and do work on it in drydock in the spring (we have to haul out in winter) and even when its at anchor on the water our trips. So we don't lose "years of cruising time" doing refits. Its got TONS of work still to be done...but what's the hurry?;)

3) When we bought this boat, I told my wife "I want 10 good years on it". So far we've had 3 awesome summers on her. Maybe when we get to 10 years and our health is still good, I don't see why we can't go for another 10 years.

and finally;
4) I don't expect to get much for her when its time to let her go. With these old boats, I don't think it will "gain in value" much from the time we initially got her in spite of all the repairs and improvements we've made. So I wont be looking for megabucks when its time to let her go. If I can sell her to another couple that is excited to have a nice boat and is willing to look after her while they get some great summers on the water, that would be good enough for me. :) :)

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