Yes, but they're pretty much all gone now. The incessant rain and gloom has sent them slinking back south with their tails between their legs. That and the locals being able to recognize them miles off and raising house, food, fuel, etc prices to sky-high prices "just for them" made the place miserable and unaffordable. The fact that native tribe members took to dressing in Speedos and bikinis and burning palm trees on their lawns didn't help matters any, either.
From what I've read in the news it seems the California transplants decided the lesser of two evils was to go back and live in a broke, sunny state that loves them than in a broke, rainy state that hates them.
So as I understand it, the "Caifornication" of Seattle is now just a footnote in the city's history. Even Boeing greatly thinned its ranks of Californians by sending them off to South Carolina.