• Trawler Forum Classified Posting Guidelines
    • We expect ads placed to be related to the topic of this forum.
    • Ads that are inactive for 180 days or longer may be moved to the Classified Archive and locked. Ads may be relisted if the item is still current. Alternatively, owners may contact a Moderator to reinstate an archived ad.
    • The Classified section is for advertising, members are asked to refrain from posting discussions to a Classified Ad. Please start a discussion thread or PM the owner for discussions.
    • Do not hijack another member's ad by posting unsolicited commentary. Example: if a member has posted an ad offering an anchor for sale, don't add a post to his thread stating that you have an anchor you'd like to get rid of also. Posts deemed as unsolicited commentary may be removed.
    • For your own security, do NOT include your e-mail or phone number in your ad. Instead request that interested parties contact you via PM (private message) to provide owners contact info.
    • Brokers, Dealers, or those with a commercial interest in a sale are prohibited from posting in Classifieds.
    • Only Trawler Forum Commercial Members may post ads in the Commercial section. You must be a designated Commercial Member to start threads in this section of the forum. (Contact a moderator if you have questions about this)
    • Don't post links to commercial sites where you are also offering the boat, such as eBay, Craigslist or Yachtworld, etc. unless it contains a more in-depth description, additional information or pictures.
    • Place only one ad per item (you may repost only when your ad has expired and been removed).
    For Sale ads MUST include:
    • Asking price
    • Location
    • A Basic Description
    • Clear statement whether you are the owner or non-owner (posting for friend, relative, or acquaintance)
    • Don't forget to select: FOR SALE, WANTED or FREE in the Title block.
    All ads should also include ALL the following:
    • Pertinent maintenance and condition information
    • Exterior picture or pictures
    • Interior picture or pictures (boats)
    For maximum impact & exposure, it is suggested the Ad Title include: Year, Manufacturer, Model, Length, Price, and Location or at the very top of the ad body. When your item has sold or the ad is no longer relevant: Please post a Reply to the ad that the item is SOLD or click "Report Post" on post 1 of the thread to ask a moderator to archive the ad. Ads may be moved or removed by our staff at any time for any reason. All ads must comply with site rules. Thanks for your cooperation.
  • Avoid Scams.

    Our classifieds are free and anyone registered here is welcome to post an ad.
    Be aware that there are unscrupulous folks out there. Avoid any interaction that seems odd to you or �feels� wrong. Inquiries from unknown buyers, buyers �agents� and other non-traditional approaches should be treated with extreme caution.

    Beware of unsolicited contacts offering to put you in touch with someone else who is buying or selling via e-mail or text.

    Do not post your e-mail address or phone number in a classifieds ad.

    Hints that you may be dealing with a Scammer:
    • Seller or Buyer approaches you via a direct email or PM and then steers you to an off-site communication method (text or email).
    • No posts or very few forum posts.
    • Recent forum membership
    • Insists on conducting negotiations via email or text rather than PM
    • Requires payment via Bank Transfer, BitCoin/CryptoCurrency, WesternUnion or other unsecured method.
    • Buyer or Seller suggests Paypal "Friends and Family" payment. Paypal is a good way to arrange payment but an invoice for goods and services should be used rather than "Friends and Family". "Friends and Family" avoids fees BUT there is no recourse if the transaction runs aground. Friends and Family is for gifts only. There is no protection for Friends and Family transactions, so never ever use it to buy something.
    • Declines to allow viewing the item before proceeding with the transaction.

Other: TF turning into Craigslist

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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O C Diver

Dec 16, 2010
Fort Myers, Florida
Vessel Name
End Of The Line
Vessel Make
Trinka 10 Dinghy
Not a big fan of classifieds, but certainly think it's reasonable for active members to be able to sell items here. Would like to think that most transactions would be for items in good condition as they are from and to people within our community.

Recently there have been several ads for stuff from members whose only contribution here seems to be classified ads. IMO, if you don't participate here and want to use the forum as a Craigslist, maybe you need to pony up some greenbacks. On another forum that I'm on, you're prevented from starting classifieds until you have contributed 25 posts.

Have mentioned this to the site team who were aware of the situation. Curious what the membership thinks.

I'm fully with you on this, it has turned into CL.
Honestly, I had to go search for the classifieds. I didn't even know where they were as I never read them. One of the issues with setting a minimum is people doing a lot of padding just to get there, posting posts with no intent other than post count. Regardless they're still free posts on a free site and you have to take that into consideration. I wouldn't say they're then going to be inherently better or worse than CL. Now CL is very useful for certain things.
Not a big fan of classifieds, but certainly think it's reasonable for active members to be able to sell items here. Would like to think that most transactions would be for items in good condition as they are from and to people within our community.

Recently there have been several ads for stuff from members whose only contribution here seems to be classified ads. IMO, if you don't participate here and want to use the forum as a Craigslist, maybe you need to pony up some greenbacks. On another forum that I'm on, you're prevented from starting classifieds until you have contributed 25 posts.

Have mentioned this to the site team who were aware of the situation. Curious what the membership thinks.


If the classified section bothers you so much ..
don't look at it.. I don't
See how simple that is..

But.. post that whine about absolutely nothing really gets to me.

There's a lot of pluses and minuses to requiring minimum post counts for that section. It is an issue the Site Team has visited on a few occasions and have had some pretty creative solutions discussed that where ultimately rejected as cumbersome. We always try to err on the side of free access for all. There's been more than a few good contributing members here that initially found the site because of the Classifieds during my tenure here.

I'd like to hear what the members here think, should be an interesting thread.
I don't think it should be restricted to a post count. If a classified ad is unrelated to our lifestyle, then it should be deleted. More content is better and gives the website more exposure to the search engines.
As long as the gear is marine/boat related then why not? Maybe something from outside the immediate forum will be of interest to one of us. As pointed out we may have gotten a few new members due to the classified section.

If the ads start to simply become everything and anything, not boat related, then maybe restrictions will become necessary.

I found TF through looking for the Classifieds for boats, and have kept an eye on them ever since, but I soon began scouring the rest of the site for any and all info I could glean from people that have "been there, done that."
Checking the Classifieds is less than 5% of what I read now, and as I look at the listings under Classifieds I really don't see anything that isn't related to boating. I would think that having as large of audience as possible for something someone is trying to sell would be considered a good thing. I don't see any other posts in other sections that aren't directly related to Trawlers or the boating lifestyle and it would seem to me to be counter productive to require someone to post a lot of blather just so they could try and sell stuff.
I enjoy immensely the differing views and robust conversations TF offers, to say nothing of the tremendous wealth of info that is so freely and graciously offered by the members, and I hope someday to be able to join in with my own experiences. As I become aware of different styles/sizes/makes/ect. of Trawlers I invariably turn to TF and search the threads and posts for info and views that help me shape my own opinions and theoretical preferences. I haven't had the same experience on CraigsList. I would like to thanks everyone involved here for running and contributing to a wonderfully informative site--keep up the good work!
It would seem I am one of the offending parties as I have submitted a couple of Craiglist examples. The intent was to instigate a discussion on the quality, price,features, and such of unusual boat sales opportunity. It was felt that some success has been had with reaction comments as was intended.
It surely was never a thought that it would cause heart burn among boaters. Myself on many occasions in reading the title of a submission and opening to read quickly discover the material is not of that much interest and back out. No thought to comment my difference. Just moved on.

I to will look forward to forum member comments.
Best regards to ALL the posters, Ya, or Nay and the final adjudication on the matter.


You're not what the OP was referring to. What he's referring to is that at the moment 8 of the most recent 25 threads in classifieds are started by very new posters.

However, they are all relevant to the site so not like could be, just random items. Is it a little bothersome that some people never have participated here but then come to sell something? That's the question I guess. But if that is something that might appeal to our members, then it doesn't especially bother me. If they came to sell many items, using this as a business site it would bother me. Pay for advertising then.

I really see it as something the moderators can handle case by case and not like it's a problem at this time. That said it's not something that interests me as I don't come here to buy anything. But I just don't read the threads. They are also properly titled so it's easy not to open. Only one I saw that bothered me and it's a person with 11 posts since October, all in threads trying to sell his boat and he's opened multiple threads on the same boat for sale. That I would think wouldn't be allowed and I suspect the moderators would look at it if anyone so requested. Even there though it's on topic and not enough to really annoy me, just overdone.

So, in answer to the OP and moderator, I have no issue with the current practice. But then I don't read the classifieds and hadn't looked until this came up. Still I have now looked and see nothing that disturbs me.

One suggestion that the mods might put in a sticky. I'd suggest when items do sell, the OP's ask the moderators to put SOLD in the thread title.
I don't read the classifieds but wouldn't be bothered by newbies posting stuff for sale. I would be bothered by people posting non-boating items for sale no matter how many posts they've put up.

If you want to sell your dog's house, find a suitable place for that. That place ain't TF.
I don't read the classifieds but wouldn't be bothered by newbies posting stuff for sale. I would be bothered by people posting non-boating items for sale no matter how many posts they've put up.

If you want to sell your dog's house, find a suitable place for that. That place ain't TF.

Wifey B: What if my dog lives on a boat? Sorry, couldn't resist.
Don't read em.
There is not much for sale in Australia
Apparently I was unclear. No problem with a member who wants to sell a boating related item. When it appears that a persons only purpose here is to sell used stuff as a business, I think the rules should be different.

You mean this place has something besides stuff for sale? Lucky I post semi-often because I have actually posted craigs lists ads onto this site.....I get more bothered by the tech help on the first line, I would move it toward the bottom of the main page.
I like open and honest and simple.

Methinks there are many who spend quite a bit of time here and never post.

I would not want to be a position of just tossing an item because trying to make an unusual unneeded item available to someone who could use it is too much of a hassle.

If I just need to make a sale to spend more on my boat - ya gotta problem wit dat?

The potential for good outweighs the bad. Basically just some's pet peeve has been acknowledged. Time to move on. Time on board is a good cure for life's little annoyances. I would have not responded to this thread, except the mods are trying to gauge the thought's of those aboard. There are lots of threads I ignore and that has nothing to do with content. I just use the search or just pop in to see what is going on from time to time.

You guys and gals have a good thing going on here. I belong to another forum where I read every post for years. Some did not like one particular person's style of stating his opinion. Moderation took action and the site is lifeless these days. I prefer having the choice to ignore than having it turn into something not worth stopping by.
I found TF through looking for the Classifieds for boats, and have kept an eye on them ever since, but I soon began scouring the rest of the site for any and all info I could glean from people that have "been there, done that."
Checking the Classifieds is less than 5% of what I read now, and as I look at the listings under Classifieds I really don't see anything that isn't related to boating. I would think that having as large of audience as possible for something someone is trying to sell would be considered a good thing. I don't see any other posts in other sections that aren't directly related to Trawlers or the boating lifestyle and it would seem to me to be counter productive to require someone to post a lot of blather just so they could try and sell stuff.
I enjoy immensely the differing views and robust conversations TF offers, to say nothing of the tremendous wealth of info that is so freely and graciously offered by the members, and I hope someday to be able to join in with my own experiences. As I become aware of different styles/sizes/makes/ect. of Trawlers I invariably turn to TF and search the threads and posts for info and views that help me shape my own opinions and theoretical preferences. I haven't had the same experience on CraigsList. I would like to thanks everyone involved here for running and contributing to a wonderfully informative site--keep up the good work!

Well..there yah go…the ayes have it I think. By which I mean it appears if it is boat stuff being posted, it's ok, and it would seem the post record of the poster is of much less concern. I get the message here we could relax the post number count somewhat.
I would suggest that replying to an advert only be done through a PM to the original poster and not allow a classified ad to morph into the typical TF endless sophomoric debate.
Mr. OCD. I tend to agree with your observation of members with 1 or 2 posts which are simply attempts to sell their trinkets. On the other hand as Mr. Gorgewags noted, it is a potential draw for new members who, whilst following a lead, are attracted to the REAL value TF has to offer.
Mr. d. (post #19) "...endless sophomoric debate." ? THEM'S fightin' words!
And the problem with people posting boat things for sale in the classified section is.....?? :confused:
The classifieds are one of my favorite sections.

Why not add to the amusement with a "men looking for women to cruise with" thread? They have one of those on the cruisers forum, hours of good entertainment.
It's one of 36 discussion areas in TF. If you don't like it, you have 35 other subject areas to visit. Don't ruin it for the others that enjoy that thread. :banghead:
I actually enjoy and have bought stuff from the classifieds here the chair I bought was a first time post I think
So it benefited a member even though they just joined
And the problem with people posting boat things for sale in the classified section is.....?? :confused:

I agree why does matter if all they post is classifieds? If it's boating related Who cares? Explain what it hurts?:angel:
I have no problem with boat related classifieds. Just one of the many great areas of TF.
I see classifieds as a member to member facility, but if someone joins just to post a personal boat or marine related item for sale, that should not deprive members of seeing what might be a good buying opportunity. And, checking classifieds is not compulsory.
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