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trailerable trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aug 7, 2018
Looking for up to 8 ft. 6 in. wide displacement power boat in a good shape outfitted for cruising, capable of sleeping 3, or more, in min. 2 cabins, ideally with a trailer. Slow is OK.
honza at tds dot net
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Two cabins and sleeps 3+? Not going to find that in a trailerable boat. Your choices are a Rosborough 246, a Ranger Tug 27 both of which could theoretically sleep 4 but not in two separate cabins, the Atlas Acadia 25, and a few other small downeasters.

Albin 27 with the aft cabin? There is one for sale around here for 12K. (Florida Treasure Coast Craigslist).
Thanks, djmarchand, maybe I should have said "two separable sleeping areas - for instance V berth and convertible dinette next to the wheel". Could be something "experimental", quality amateur or custom built, efficient catamaran? I do not need financing, insurance .....For a production boat, Albin 25 is probably so far the closest, but something of more nautical like appearance would be preferable ....I am not into expensive wake-making. Maybe, there is a better name and another forum for a boat of that kind?

Your legal road width restricts you going much longer than 25 to 26 feet in a production boat in most cases. Of course the Roseborugh boats are the standard consideration if you can find one. You can always do some custom work inside for a second berth, even extending the aft bulkhead, loosing some cockpit area though.
You say something custom. There are some nice Devlin hulls that's been built and the mid range ones can be towed. Maybe contact Devlin and see if they have something that's not listed on their site or know of a current owner that's putting their boat up for sale but not listing it on the open market. Being up in Maine maybe ask Atlantic Boat company or even Brooklin Shipyard if they know of any pleasure boat hulls that's been converted from a lobster boat.


This boat is a bit larger. But something along the lines of this can be done with a full sleeper dinette..


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There are so many quality boats in the trailerable range outboards or IO I wonder why a "trawler " style is first choice.

The decades of mass production of the smaller boats insures good living areas and good performance.

Large cockpits abound , the usual only thing lacking is a fixed pilot house.

This is a questionable problem as usually when the weather gets bad 25 fters stay in place.

Few crank on the Victory at Sea "Dance of the North Atlantic" and press on, that a 65 fter might contemplate.

Our choice for an inshore boat was http://www.trawlerforum.com/forums/s9/regal-223-ambassador-37775.html.

With a full weather enclosure for the cockpit it becomes a reasonable 3 season boat , with a small portable propane heater for the shoulder seasons.

$5,000 on a trailer ready to go.

In many states a tow (non commercial) can not be over 55ft bumper to bumper.
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FF, Guru, could you please list some of them many quality boats, you mention, which provide:
1) accommodation for 3 in two separable areas
2) beam under 8.5'
3) slow displacement hull - excellent fuel economy (no wake)
Thank you, and what is the proper term/name for a boat of that kind?.

26 kodiak 2001.
yanmar diesel.


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"slow displacement hull - excellent fuel economy (no wake)"

At the Sq RY of the LWL , most boats will produce a very small wake.

On a 25 ft water line that's 5K or about 6 mph statute.

This is idle for most IO and very low RPM for most outboards.

The small boats do fine on fuel burn at higher , plaining speeds , so they are usually capable of 20-25K cruise if desired.

Ours is an Regal Ambassador, Volvo (Chevrolet V8 ) with SS duo prop.

2 can sleep in a private ventilated bunk aft , and the dining table drops to hold 2 more.

All are similar so photos of other boats listed will give you the idea.
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FF - I agree. Our Regal 2765 is almost 30 LOA and gets over 3 mpg at 8 knots. I've cruised it long distances on the Mississippi and Lake Superior, and on the trailer it's gone from Missouri to Michigan to Canada. Yes at a 20 knot cruise economy drops to about 1.2 mpg, but at least you can if you want to.

BTW it's currently for sale on Yachtworld.
We're 28 x 8 and draw 24". We've had 4 adults, 2 kids and a dog aboard for a week, never using a marina - anchoring every night and having enough food/water and supplies aboard for the entire trip. Range is about 300 miles.

She has all the comforts of home including full galley, generator, a/c, hot water shower, even a freezer on the aft deck.

She can be driven from the comforts below or from her flybridge. She's wake proof and unsinkable.

We tow her with an old Ford van (2005) and use her on the road as a camper - for trips as far as 2,000 from home.

But she's not a trawler - she's a houseboat.
Hasn’t anyone thought of Ranger Tugs 25, 27, 29,31ft? Built as trailerables. Some have 81/2 foot beams largest have 10 ft beams. 27 comes as outboard(200hp Yamaha) or inboard Volvo Penta.
Your legal road width restricts you going much longer than 25 to 26 feet in a production boat in most cases. Of course the Roseborugh boats are the standard consideration if you can find one. You can always do some custom work inside for a second berth, even extending the aft bulkhead, loosing some cockpit area though.
You say something custom. There are some nice Devlin hulls that's been built and the mid range ones can be towed. Maybe contact Devlin and see if they have something that's not listed on their site or know of a current owner that's putting their boat up for sale but not listing it on the open market. Being up in Maine maybe ask Atlantic Boat company or even Brooklin Shipyard if they know of any pleasure boat hulls that's been converted from a lobster boat.
This boat is a bit larger. But something along the lines of this can be done with a full sleeper dinette..

You may be incorrect on the length restriction. I personally own a 28' cabin cruiser on a trailer. As an example of length restriction, what about Bighorn 5th wheels at 40'? Anyhow, the Great Harbor TT 35 is something to look at. Unfortunately I don't currently see a used one. If you do, please let me know.
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RULES OF THE ROAD - SIZE LIMITS State Height Width Trailer Length Motorhome Length 2-vehicle Combined Length Triple Towing Allowed Alabama 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 65'
Alaska 14' 8½' 40' 45' 75' • Arizona 13½' 8'(16) 40' 45' 65' • (43) Arkansas 13½' 8½' 43½' 45' 65' • California 14' 8½' 40 45'(27) 65'
Colorado 13' 8½' NS 45' 75'(27)(27)(42) Connecticut 13½' 8½' NS 45' 60' (1)(13) Delaware 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 60' District of Columbia 13½' 8' (28) NS 40' 55' • Florida 13½' 8½' (16) 40' 45' 65' Georgia 13½' 8½' NS NS 60' Hawaii 14' 9' 40' 45' 65' Idaho 14' 8½' 48' 45' 75' • (40) Illinois 13½' 8½' 45' 45' 60' • (19)(43) Indiana 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 60' • (41) Iowa 13½' 8½' NS 45' 65' • (42) Kansas 14' 8½' NS 45' 65' • (41) Kentucky 13½' 8½' NS 45' 65' • (41) Louisiana 13½' 8' (16) 40' 45' 70' • (42) Maine 13½' 8½' 48' 45' 65' Maryland 13½' 8½' 40' 40' 55' • Massachusetts 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 60' Michigan 13½' 8½' 45' 45' 65' • (19) Minnesota 13½' 8½' 45' 45' 60' • (19) Mississippi 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 53' • Missouri 14(27)' 8½'(27)' NS 45' 65'(27)(27)(41) Montana 14' 8½' (28) NS 55' 75' • (42) Nebraska 14½' 8½' 40' 45' 65' • (41) Nevada 14' 8½' NS 45' 70' • (42) New Hampshire 13½' 8'(16) 48' 45' NS New Jersey 13½' 8'(16) 40' 40' 50' New Mexico 14'(1) 8½' 40 45' 65' • New York 13½' 8½' (27) 48' 45' 65' North Carolina 13½' 8½' 35' 45' 60' North Dakota 14' 8½' 53' 50' 75' • (40) Ohio 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 65' • (41) Oklahoma 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 65' • (41) Oregon 14' 8½' 45' 45' 65' (19) Pennsylvania 13½' 8½' (26) NS (19) 45' 60' Rhode Island 13½' 8½' NS 40' 60' South Carolina 13½' 8½' 48' 45' NS
South Dakota 14'(1) 8½' 53' 45' 80' • (40)(43) Tennessee 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 65' • (41) Texas 14' 8½' NS 45' 65' • (41) Utah 14' 8½' 40' 45' 65' • (27)(41) Vermont 13½' 8½' 46 46' 65' Virginia 13½' 8½' 45' 45' 65' Washington 14' 8½' NS 46' 60' West Virginia 13½' 8½' 40' 45' 65' Wisconsin 13½' 8½' 48' 40'L 60' (19)(19) Wyoming 14' 8½' 45' 60' 65' 85' Note: 2.6 m = 8½ ft.; 12.5m = 41 ft.; 16.15m = 53 ft.

or http://nrcmod.com/Pages/links-towing-laws.html
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You may be incorrect on the length restriction. I personally own a 28' cabin cruiser on a trailer. As an example of length restriction, what about Bighorn 5th wheels at 40'? Anyhow, the Great Harbor TT 35 is something to look at. Unfortunately I don't currently see a used one. If you do, please let me know.
Length is not always the issue as it relates to towing trailers of any type. Eight foot six inch beam is pretty standard as it relates to towing 24 hours a day seen days a week across most of the states in the U.S. There are some states that allows 9'6" to be towed without any permits or additional flag vehicles. But this beam is only allowed in daylight hours.

But manufacturers of production boats rarely builds hulls over 26 to 28 foot without a wider beam from the 8' 6" beam for a couple or reasons. People want creature comforts and boats fitted for offshore use don't always like the rolling either, which comes with the narrow beam to length ratio in offshore boats.
I was on the road yesterday and witnessed a 35' x 10' aluminum cat being towed in full traffic conditions without a problem or any assistance from escort vehicles. You cannot do this in many states in this country without additional escort.


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The Albin 25 has an aft cabin that sleeps 2 and is trailerable, and easy on fuel.
I was on the road yesterday and witnessed a 35' x 10' aluminum cat being towed in full traffic conditions without a problem or any assistance from escort vehicles. You cannot do this in many states in this country without additional escort.
In NYS and most others, a single pilot/escort starts at 12 ft wide, among other triggers (length, height, load overhang). Two pilot/escorts usually start at 14 ft width. Below that, oversized load signs and a permit are required. But as you said, it is state dependent, and even areas of a given state.
Anyhow, the Great Harbor TT35 is something to look at. Unfortunately I don't currently see a used one. If you do, please let me know.
The TT35 does not fit the OP's requirements by a long shot. The ACTUAL (not the marketing smoke on the website) specs are:

LOA 43 ft.
Beam 10'6"
Weight 10,600 lbs
Draft (outboards down) 24"

Have surveyors report and weight report that proves this. (A classic comment from one of our friends referred to the boat as the Great Hoax TT35.)

SCOUT 30-1979 Yanmar 40HP--- Pulls great with a F-250 Diesel ---
The TT35 does not fit the OP's requirements by a long shot. The ACTUAL (not the marketing smoke on the website) specs are:

LOA 43 ft.
Beam 10'6"
Weight 10,600 lbs
Draft (outboards down) 24"

Have surveyors report and weight report that proves this. (A classic comment from one of our friends referred to the boat as the Great Hoax TT35.)


Interesting comment. So you believe the builder is understating the length by 8'? Looking at it as the "glass half full" by your report one is getting 23% more boat for the money! That is one helluva difference. Not meaning to impune the veracity of your reports but it is difficult to swallow that a custom yacht builder (300k +++) would be so loose with their specs.

I have absolutely no connection with Great Harbor other than seeing one on Lake Santa Fe in the spring of 2017. In the distance it had the lines of a classic trawler from the early 20th century. Later talked to them at the boat ramp. Was very interested but it was very out of my price range.

So. why the animosity about these these boats/builder (web page smoke, Great Hoax)? Please relate your experience. I am confident it will be useful.
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