Trawler Forum Marin Trivia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Name
Apache II
Vessel Make
1974 Donald Jones
We all know that Marin has no problem stating his preference about things boat and boat related.

How much do we know about his opinions.

If you answer this right you get to pose the next question.

What does Marin think about Forward raked Windows?

Respond with a quote if you can for proof.

He believes they are for Wanna Be's

Literature for $100
Name a character from the book Marin is currently writing.
Ok Giggitoni
You got it so what is your question.


How about this one where does Marin keep His Bruce anchor?
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skipperdude said:
Ok Giggitoni
You got it so what is your question.


How about this one where does Marin keep His Bruce anchor?

He doesn't have one!


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Yes he does. He uses it as a door stop. Don't know which door for sure, but I thinks it's his garage door.
How many of us does Marin have on his ignore list? :)


Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Oh yes he dose.

He uses it as a door stop.


Sorry Marin a little fun at your expense.
If Marin was on his boat traveling to Prince Rupert at 6 knts.
Cary passed him along the way. Would Cary be able to see marin?

Trick question.
No one got this one.
Marin never drives from the fly bridge so Cary could not see him just his boat.

Is this Marin?


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Skipperdude: Aren't those "wannabee" windows on your vessel? Woops...I got 'em too. Oh well, at least you've got the genuine, authentic paravanes to thwart off any suspicions.
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Ocean Breeze NL said:
How many of us does Marin have on his ignore list? :)


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All those whom he can't see posting info!


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I don't know if this thread is intended to be funny, but I find it in rather poor taste. Making a prolonged joke of a member's opinions is not the spirit of Trawler Forum.
Common man, It is just for fun everyone know's Marin is outspoken in his opinions of what he likes and dislikes he repeats it often. Just fooling around.

Marin has been a mainstay with the forum for many years.
His comments are all well regarded.

I for one would be honored to call such a man friend or at least personal aquaintence Even if just thru the internet and this forum.
I don't think his skin is that thin.

His comments are indepth well writen and well thought out.

If only I could write so well.
I admire him and his accomplishments.

Common man, It is just for fun everyone know's Marin is outspoken in his opinions of what he likes and dislikes he repeats it often. Just fooling around.

Marin has been a mainstay with the forum for many years.
His comments are all well regarded.

I for one would be honored to call such a man friend or at least personal aquaintence Even if just thru the internet and this forum.
I don't think his skin is that thin.

His comments are indepth well writen and well thought out.

If only I could write so well.
I admire him and his accomplishments.


Agreed! Hope he sees it the same way....
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Answers (in no particular order)

Our 33# genuine Bruce is propping open the shop door in our garage. It is the only function for which we have found it to be 100 percent reliable.

I don't have an "ignore poster" list so nobody is on it. Not even FlyWright or the ancora app.:)

Carey would see me just fine because GBs have big windows.

Yes, Frenchie is the nickname of the central character in the book I'm currently writing. He's a motor mac on a PT boat.

No, the photo is not me but I wish I looked like that.

Yes, I think forward-raked windows absolutely suck from an aesthetic point of vew and I think they totally destroy the lines of many boats that otherwise would be very good looking. And yes, I fully understand their value on vessels that actually benefit from their attributes, although that does not make them any better looking in my book.

And no, I don't mind SD's thread here at all. As long as others don't mind my expressing my opinions the way I want to express them.
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Yes, Frenchie is the nickname of the central character in the book I'm currently writing. He's a motor mac on a PT boat.

So tell us more about the book! please....
Yes, Frenchie is the nickname of the central character in the book I'm currently writing. He's a motor mac on a PT boat.
So tell us more about the book! please....

Sorry, you'll have to wait until it's published which given the amount of time my employer and other activities are giving me these days will be aways off. Right now I estimate I'm about a third to halfway through the story.

The only thing I will say is it is the story of a single PT boat mission that was carried out in 1943 in total secrecy. It was a diplomatic mission, not a combat mission although it ended in combat. I was told about this mission by four of the surviving crew members who I met in Hawaii when I flew them around over Pearl Harbor in the mid-70s. I'd always been fascinated with PTs ever since reading "They Were Expendable" when I was just a wee lad, so we kind of hung out together for a few days until they went back to the mainland. They told me the gist of this mission which I thought at the time would make a wonderful story (and movie). But I wasn't writing then so the idea just got parked in the back of my mind for the next 20 years.

I started researching PTs in earnest in the 1990s so that if I did tell this story it would be as accurate as possible in terms of the boats and crews and the whole PT "scene." I've interviewed hundreds of PT vets, ridden on the only existing PT powered by its original-type engines, crawled for hours through the Elco PT that's in the naval museum at Battleship Cove, collected just about every book ever published about PTs including some very rare ones from WWII, and so on. But other than the basics of the mission, the reason for it, and its outcome, I'm having to make everything else up. So it's what I guess you'd call a novel based on a true story.

The attached photo is one I acquired in the course of my research. It is one of a series of photos taken early in the war to illustrate the proper way to load and secure a PT on a tanker for shipment to a combat theatre. The photo is unique in that it is the only known photo showing PT109, the boat that eventually was skippered by John F. Kennedy.

I've interviewed a number of vets who knew Kennedy or served in his squadron. Their opinons of him as a PT skipper differ radically from the carefully engineered image that's been put to the public all these years.

PT109 was one of the first batch of 80-footers turned out by Elco in New Jersey and with the 78-foot Higgins became the mainstay of the PT fleet throughout the war. The story I am writing takes place on an 80-foot Elco.


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I don't know if this thread is intended to be funny, but I find it in rather poor taste. Making a prolonged joke of a member's opinions is not the spirit of Trawler Forum.
All I can say is that the picture I posted "The Most Interesting Man In The World" wasn't meant as a putdown. He's been more places and done more things than many of us can even imagine; he may be opinionated but from what I've seen in the past and on other forums he can always back up his views with fact or experience. - Boyd
I don't know if this thread is intended to be funny, but I find it in rather poor taste. Making a prolonged joke of a member's opinions is not the spirit of Trawler Forum.

I don't think that this will offend Marin. There is nothing mean spirited here. I think that he should be flattered that his writings have gotten his message through so clearly. You can tell by this that he is "listened to", Oops, sorry Marin. Ended a sentence in a preposition.:eek:
I don't know if this thread is intended to be funny, but I find it in rather poor taste. Making a prolonged joke of a member's opinions is not the spirit of Trawler Forum.
I`ve had concerns too, but gradually, perhaps selectively,I`ve become "marinized" to a degree, not unlike the good Ford Lehman diesel he often writes about.
Robust discussion is a good way to explore issues but it shouldn`t get personal. That benefits no one.
I`m pretty sure Marin is big and ugly enough to look after himself, but there are limits. BruceK
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