Vancouver Boat Show

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Feb 5, 2012
Vessel Name
Northern Spy
Vessel Make
Nordic Tug 26
Anyone going? Might wander down this weekend.

PS: Mary Ann will be there.
Probably not this year. Is there anything you would be going to see specifically, or more to see what the latest and greatest is?
Oh wait a minute. THE Mary Ann? I may reconsider.
I go every few years.

I rarely buy anything, get disappointed with the general quality of new boats, and realize what a long trip is was for essentially nothing. A few years later, I forget that, and go again.
Yeah, I won't attend the Vancouver show again. Last year was a disappointment. For what it's worth. I was at the Toronto show last weekend and it sucked too!
I was there last year but we won't make it this year. I was generally underwhelmed last year but our absence is due to scheduling not ennui.
I'm going to be in the Vancouver Rowing Club booth tomorrow so stop by and say hello, unless, of course, you had always thought you might like to throw something at me, in which case it won't be me there but somebody else!

Unless the merchants have decided to not be so damn greedy, I won't be buying much. I'm finding that prices are way higher this year and so I just won't pay.

I just bought a very difficult to find filter for my hydraulic tank and the so-called filter specialist wanted $48 each. If I had found him first I would probably have bitten the bullet, but I found his supplier and I got 3 of them for $11.50 each! (Rude Boat Word) pirate! 400% is just a little greedy, no? One will be tossed right after the oil change, then there will be one that stays for a while and I now have a spare.

I really want to support the locals but I am getting battery chargers and nav lights and light bulbs for half or more by buying online. I try and buy through my local marina as I want them to stay in business but I'm sick of getting gouged by the locals. Just because I have a boat doesn't make me a mark.

Anyway, I will see what there is at the show tomorrow.
I went today. I am doing a painting project so I wanted to see the Interlux guy. The 55' Fleming on display at Granville Island was pretty nice but otherwise there wasn't too much of interest.
A Fleming 55 AND Mary Ann....sounds tempting!
I will be there on Sunday...I can't remeber the last time I didn't go.
If any one goes drop by the galleon marine booth and give the gears to Mike , or Alicia , or Melisa. Have some fun while you are there and for sure let em know willy sent ya.

I Might head down Sat , don't know yet.
SS Minnow was the prettiest boat in there (really, very nice restoration) and a vintage CC runabout.
Got a great deal on 300 feet of 3/4 double and it's a good time to buy some boat shoes, but that's all.
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