Wow! When we feel like our rights are being disrespected we get touchy. It should be a universal given that everyone gets treated decently and respectfully even if we have different religions, skin colors etc etc. Unfortunately we are lucky to have that expectation.
What is pretty cool though is that it actually happens a lot.
For me the original 'trigger' was teaching them a lesson that they didn't ask for and the punitive part of knotting up their halyard. With the later explanation it made more sense but still...unless the halyard had already been looped around the spreaders a few times and the owner ignored the help.
I've tied off lots of halyards. In two cases I had to change shoes to make sure I kept the decks clean. I've used short lengths of line so the owner would absolutely know someone added them in to stop the slapping.
Being respectful towards people (even if you don't feel like they deserve it) is the big key. If you are calling someone an idiot while you are helping them that isn't being respectful and just causes hard feelings. I've been guilty of that sort of behavior and I have to admit that, in my opinion at least, it 'helped'.
It seems clear that genuinely helping by tying off a halyard or securing a screen door is okay. Using dry wall screws on the door or wearing golf shoes on someones boat while you secure the halyard is 'not' being helpful.
But here is my little story of being a jerk when someone else was a jerk (they started it!). New couple of guys moved an older powerboat a few slips down from me. They had a dog. They sanded without a vacuum (note my background info that supports my side of the story
They played loud music. Their dog pooped on the dock and I asked them to clean it up which they did. Happened again and again I asked them to clean it up. This time I pointed out that if they were going to let their dog wander the dock they should wander the dock to make sure they didn't miss any poop. A rainy and windy night there soon after I jumped into the cockpit of my boat and took off my wet shoes - fortunately before I went inside. I ended up with a hand full of dog poop. With my remaining clean hand I grabbed my flashlight, spotted the rest of the poop and I scooped it up with my already gross hand. Then I stomped with one shoe on down the dock to their boat and smooshed that dog poop all over the lock and door latch. Then I used their hose to clean off my hand and the dirty shoe in their cockpit. Two days later they were on a different dock and they kept their dog tied up.
Personally I think the dog poop was worse than a lot of knots in a halyard but not as bad as using drywall screws to stop a banging screen door. I think it is a bummer that it took me being a jerk to get them to be responsible dog owners and I resent being put in that position. I didn't even like having to approach them the first time to ask them to clean up behind their dog.
Now I don't even know what I was thinking when I started writing this...