I think there’s a line and most know when not to cross it. Funny story about maybe going too far…or just being rude.
Prepping boat for launch last Thursday, was taking a break and catching up with one of the managers chatting in her office. A guy I don’t know walks in and physically steps in our active conversation and starts his own like I’m not there. No worries, I have things to do anyway. I leave to go do them.
A few minutes later I’m returning from getting something from the ship store, I was changing anodes. I come back to the boat and what do I see? The same fella rummaging through my tool bag I had left out on the ground for my anode work!
I say “Howdy” and he’s instantly apologizing and embarrassed, says he yelled several times up to the boat because he needed a socket.
I’m not mad at all, in fact chuckling a little because I caught him and he’s pretty embarrassed. I offer up my whole tool bag to him, take whatever he needs, seriously happy to help.
Would I have done what he did? Nope!
If I had known me, we were friends maybe, had shared tools previously, I might have borrowed without asking, but even then unless it’s an emergency I’d probably wait to ask.
Now, if I had come back and he had climbed my ladder, was inside my boat digging for tools……I’d for sure have had more of an “OUT!!!” tone with the fella.