What's everybody doing ?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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"Pumping up" (physically/emotionally) for an overnight trip sometime around the upcoming weekend to purchase diesel fuel in Pittsburg; meanwhile dealing with home-association-member over-due payables as well as hosting sons' birthdays.

Two of the three sound nice. The HOA does not in any way. We're actually members of an HOA that all the fees are completely voluntary. It started decades ago as homeowners just going in together on security. That's still the main cost as the little bit of HOA property is maintained by volunteers.
We're prepping for our transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti.
Most of the prep work goes into restructuring your 'life' for a forecasted absence of 6 months. Of course the boat needs some mechanical love too, that's planned for March. The loose plan is a few months in French Polynesia, then onwards through the Cook Islands, 6 weeks in Fiji, and final transit to New Zealand, ETA October 1st. I'll post up a plan on the 'Boaters-on-the-Go' section, in a couple of weeks.
We're prepping for our transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti.
Most of the prep work goes into restructuring your 'life' for a forecasted absence of 6 months. Of course the boat needs some mechanical love too, that's planned for March. The loose plan is a few months in French Polynesia, then onwards through the Cook Islands, 6 weeks in Fiji, and final transit to New Zealand, ETA October 1st. I'll post up a plan on the 'Boaters-on-the-Go' section, in a couple of weeks.

You win!
We're prepping for our transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti.
Most of the prep work goes into restructuring your 'life' for a forecasted absence of 6 months. Of course the boat needs some mechanical love too, that's planned for March. The loose plan is a few months in French Polynesia, then onwards through the Cook Islands, 6 weeks in Fiji, and final transit to New Zealand, ETA October 1st. I'll post up a plan on the 'Boaters-on-the-Go' section, in a couple of weeks.

You should have the restructuring for the forecast absence down pat by now, down to a science.
We're prepping for our transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti.
Most of the prep work goes into restructuring your 'life' for a forecasted absence of 6 months. Of course the boat needs some mechanical love too, that's planned for March. The loose plan is a few months in French Polynesia, then onwards through the Cook Islands, 6 weeks in Fiji, and final transit to New Zealand, ETA October 1st. I'll post up a plan on the 'Boaters-on-the-Go' section, in a couple of weeks.

How great!

Do you have a blog by chance?
You mean all this time you've had a fake avatar? Your boat really doesn't look like that?

Ummmm...waitaminute...so do I...nevermind

Al, Bucky is not real. It's just a Photoshop image dreamed up by Larry. He also has a pet unicorn.:D:D
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Walkin back to the motorhome from the brew pub in Carpinteria, CA...wondering if the new dinghy crane has been installed on my boat yet?
In LA for a "topless cruisers" event. 32 convertibles, cruised yesterday from Indio, some to the Peterson car museum, some to the Reagan Library. Today to Malibu and Santa Monica, then down the #1 to Dana Point with a much smaller group, then home to Indio tomorrow.
Replacing terminal blocks for AC/DC. Moving things around to make room for new panel. Looked at my work from last night - two blocks are not equally spaced apart from top to bottom.. Left eye doesn't see what the right one does. Gotta see the humor, when is 5" not 5"?? I'll be doing this for awhile.
I just successfully completed my Radar renewal course. I'm just sitting here enjoying not having to do that again for 5 more years.
Changed my serpentine belt on the stbd engine. Thought it might be a pulley or the auto tensioner, but pleasantly surprised it was just the belt.
Wifey B: On our way home. Left home on January 13. Will get back there Sunday, February 28 around 2:00 PM. As always at the end of a trip, happy and sad. :) Can only smile because I can't find the sad smilie, which makes sense I guess. :confused: Well, 80 nm so far this morning. Only 920 to go. Will pick this trip up where we left off next winter. Had a huge Sunday type breakfast on the boat this morning which I guess is cheating since it's not Sunday. ;) Seas nice as 5' but long period at 10 seconds. Current temp 80 degrees. Winds 10 knots. Visibility 9 nm. Humidity 73%.

Original plans called for flying home then back and continuing trip another 6 weeks, but change of plans as we're thinking might do loop this summer. Loop boat arriving early so it's possible although not definite.

So beautiful and peaceful out here although a good bit of traffic. Just had a beautiful 80'+ sailboat cross in front of us, on it's way from Puerto Rico to the Azores. Long trip ahead of them.
Wifey B: On our way home. Left home on January 13. Will get back there Sunday, February 28 around 2:00 PM. As always at the end of a trip, happy and sad. :) Can only smile because I can't find the sad smilie, which makes sense I guess. :confused: Well, 80 nm so far this morning. Only 920 to go. Will pick this trip up where we left off next winter. Had a huge Sunday type breakfast on the boat this morning which I guess is cheating since it's not Sunday. ;) Seas nice as 5' but long period at 10 seconds. Current temp 80 degrees. Winds 10 knots. Visibility 9 nm. Humidity 73%.

Original plans called for flying home then back and continuing trip another 6 weeks, but change of plans as we're thinking might do loop this summer. Loop boat arriving early so it's possible although not definite.

So beautiful and peaceful out here although a good bit of traffic. Just had a beautiful 80'+ sailboat cross in front of us, on it's way from Puerto Rico to the Azores. Long trip ahead of them.

That sounds like a pretty perfect day to me.
That sounds like a pretty perfect day to me.

Wifey B: It is. In bed now. We return to the helm this morning. I say this morning as it's already morning out here. We expect light showers early morning and 80 degrees all day tomorrow.

Moving everything from the house to the boat what doesn't fit goes to storage, It's live aboard time for us, woot woot...:whistling:
Moving everything from the house to the boat what doesn't fit goes to storage, It's live aboard time for us, woot woot...:whistling:
Now that's exciting . Congratulations
Moving everything from the house to the boat what doesn't fit goes to storage, It's live aboard time for us, woot woot...:whistling:

Big mistake!

Only move stuff to the boat you actually NEED there. And anything on it that you have not used for a year (Other than spare parts), take off the boat.

But, I get it - congrats!
Happy de winterizing everybody:D:D


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I'm anchored on the Caloosahatchee River at picnic island. I'm with my three of my boys ages 7, 12, and 16. The wife is working all weekend so we thought it would be a good time to spend the weekend on the water. The temperature is a little brisk for southern Florida this evening at 58 degrees, but we're surviving.

Tomorrow, we're thinking of anchoring around Ybel point and dinghy to a beach on Sanibel.


We had an almost sunny day here in the PNW today so I got half of an early spring boat wash done. Will finish the other half tomorrow. I am with Flywright on the remainder, I will drink to everybody de-winterizing, or to 'most anything!
Some of the nicest days on the water are during the winter here.

Some of the nicest days on the water are during the winter here.

We don't generally like cold but we've always enjoyed winter boating. We would get out on the lake all winter and have the lake largely to ourselves. It was great. Also on a small boat, it's amazing how much heat you get through the windshield.
I have Bowman oil coolers on my JD engines. The raw water inlet and end cap on one cooler is slightly misaligned which caused it to prematurely wear from the engine vibration. I called the JD dealer to get an end cap. He called his supplier who said that they only sell the coolers, which include the end caps, and that if the end caps are worn out that means the cooler is too. They would be happy to sell me a new $400 oil cooler but they do not sell the end caps. I was able to locate a supplier of the Bowman end caps and they arrived yesterday and I installed it today. I saved $380. ?

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Hello TF team,
I’ve not posted to TF for a while, Ive been working overseas to pay for our upcoming Journey to AUCKLAND, NZ
We're prepping for our upcoming transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti. Then onwards, through the south pacific islands, to New Zealand.
Most of the prep work is going into restructuring our ‘normal-life' to cater for the 6 month absence. The boat of course needs some mechanical love too, and that’s what we’ll be doing in the next few weeks. The loose plan is to spend a few months in French Polynesia, then onwards through the Cook Islands, 6 weeks in Fiji, and then a final transit to New Zealand, ETA. October 1st. I'll post up a passage-plan in the 'Boaters-on-the-Go' section, next week.
We're prepping for our upcoming transit from Oahu, Hawaii -to- Tahiti. Then onwards, through the south pacific islands, to New Zealand.....
You might consider visiting Aitutaki in Rarotonga. We stayed there years ago, flying in. I thought it would be a delightful remote place to happen upon by boat, it will see more tourists now. Little quaint things stay in memory, like 2 bakeries, one 7th Day Adventist run observing Saturday, one by another denomination observing Sunday, so fresh bread was available 7 days.
Hi Bruce,
Sounds like a plan!
Do you happen to know what the anchorages are like?

Also -apologies to TF- for posting the same post twice. I'm working offshore India (back in Hotel now!) and I was hoodwinked that the post did not go through - Doh!

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