1973 all over again?

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Been in the oil bidness 35 years; been thru 5 or 6 of the shakeouts. Each and every bust was the world coming to an end as we know it. Then, viola, another boom. Oil stocks are cheap right now, you might consider buying a few. We are boat owners, not the wisest or most profitable investment around, so gambling on energy stocks seems easy.
Been in the oil bidness 35 years; been thru 5 or 6 of the shakeouts. Each and every bust was the world coming to an end as we know it. Then, viola, another boom. Oil stocks are cheap right now, you might consider buying a few. We are boat owners, not the wisest or most profitable investment around, so gambling on energy stocks seems easy.


1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
BO has proposed to allow exploration off the East coast.

This will be his payment to citizens for closing almost the entire arctic and handing a few tens of billions of Bbls to Russia.

When GB proposed to open east coast exploration the oil price went from $140 to $40 very rapidly.

With the better price of oil fracked today , the drop may be less , but my prediction of $2.00 diesel may come true even sooner than I thought!
Look i found another graph on a another thread.

and we all know, graphs never lie:nonono:


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