Bargain slip/dry dock prices in southeast?

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Veteran Member
Aug 27, 2023
Hey folks, I’m hoping to get a trawler in the next year, a little sooner than originally planned, but, thinking it might be a good excuse for little periodic vacations. I live VERY near chattanooga TN, Ideally would like to find a place near there to keep it at while doing the repairs that would be necessary on anything I would be buying. Being unfamiliar with boats of this nature, what would a “bargain” yearly price be? I wouldn’t be opposed to going as far as somewhere around mobile bay, up the tenn/tom and nearly anywhere along that route. Salt/Brackish/Fresh water slips or drydock would be fine as long as they let me stay on it while in town doing repairs. Currently I have a pontoon docked at a “low end” dock on the local lake and I love the easy going nature of the low end places, ammenities are of less concern than cost right now. Once she’s “seaworthy” I’d be open to more types of funner/more expensive home ports…. Just looking for a little guidance here and particularly if anyone has experience near chattanooga/knoxville TN. Drydock would be ideal for starters, but I’m unfamiliar with how these facilities work….
You need to look around the area you plan on docking and start calling them. A good "cheap" price usually means in the places no one else wants to be.

You will also need power accessible if you are doing work on the boat.
I would assume I can use a quiet generator to provide power…. I build houses among other things, so I have a well outfitted tool trailer. I’m asking here rather than just driving around an unfamiliar area hoping someone may have some experience. I’d be fine in a “seedy” part of town, just wouldn’t be leaving anything of any value on the boat, and just hope no one tried to steal the copper wiring hahaha
A couple boats ago I had a pontoon boat. I was on Lake Okeechobee here in Florida. I kept it parked behind our little camp in the boathouse. It was fun
"cheap slip"

Get a fishing chart of the rivers "lakes" like WattsBar. Nickajack etc. and the marinas will be shown on them as well as their contact info. A slip in Vonore, TN on Tellico will go for about 450-500 for a 50' slip. I pay300/ month for a 30' at Tellico Marina. I don't know of any "cheap" ones. Good Luck. Ben '87 Albin 27FC
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Get a fishing chart of the rivers "lakes" like WattsBar. Nickajack etc. and the marinas will be shown on them as well as their contact info. A slip in Vonore, TN on Tellico will go for about 450-500 for a 50' slip. I pay300/ month for a 30' at Tellico Marina. I don't know of any "cheap" ones. Good Luck. Ben '87 Albin 27FC

Thanks for the advice, that’s a great idea. I was worried they might not be very affordable, I pay 600 for the season for my slip where I’m at, but, it’s on a lake that’s not very popular. I’d be just as happy with dry dock, at least for the first year or two while I get it set up just right.
Check with Harbortowne in Tellico for on-shore storage. They've got a good size yard and I think allow DIY. Nice folks.
I got a slip for a month at Joe Wheeler State Park Marina this week for $400 for my 38 foot trawler. It does not look like the kind of place where you could park vehicles and tool trailer nearby the slip boat to work on it there.
The further from open water the cheaper. The more inconvenient the travel (shallow, low bridges, etc) the cheaper as well. The more run down, the cheaper.

I would make sure that wherever you go, they will allow you or an outside contractor to do work.
If you want to come a bit further south, Kingfisher Bay Marina in Demopolis, AL (on the TennTom Waterway) has a haul-out yard where you can plug in elec and water and work/stay on your boat - pump-outs are available also.
I replaced my old Nissan diesel with a new BETA a couple of months ago at Harbortowne Marina here on Tellico Lake, about 80 miles north of Chatanooga. My total bill was $2042 for haulout, pressure wash and block, about 2 1/2 weeks on the hard, an hour of crane time to lift my old engine out and lower my new one onto my deck, pull my old prop and install my new one, (I don't have a prop puller), a gallon of bottom paint, put my old engine on a cradle for shipment to Norway, relaunch and a couple of days on their dock to checkout and align my driveline. Electric and water is included. I had 24 hr access and did the removal and install myself. They were great to work with and I highly recommend them. They're on the internet @ Harbortowne Marine in Vonore, TN. Ben
The further from open water the cheaper. The more inconvenient the travel (shallow, low bridges, etc) the cheaper as well. The more run down, the cheaper.

I would make sure that wherever you go, they will allow you or an outside contractor to do work.[/QUOTE]

Also, some marinas charge a "surcharge" to the total bill from any outside contractor. You, the customer are responsible for paying that, so you need to know that upfront. I've seen surcharges of from 6% to 10%. Forewarned is forearmed!:dance:
Hey folks, I’m hoping to get a trawler in the next year, a little sooner than originally planned, but, thinking it might be a good excuse for little periodic vacations. I live VERY near chattanooga TN, Ideally would like to find a place near there to keep it at while doing the repairs that would be necessary on anything I would be buying. Being unfamiliar with boats of this nature, what would a “bargain” yearly price be? I wouldn’t be opposed to going as far as somewhere around mobile bay, up the tenn/tom and nearly anywhere along that route. Salt/Brackish/Fresh water slips or drydock would be fine as long as they let me stay on it while in town doing repairs. Currently I have a pontoon docked at a “low end” dock on the local lake and I love the easy going nature of the low end places, ammenities are of less concern than cost right now. Once she’s “seaworthy” I’d be open to more types of funner/more expensive home ports…. Just looking for a little guidance here and particularly if anyone has experience near chattanooga/knoxville TN. Drydock would be ideal for starters, but I’m unfamiliar with how these facilities work….
You’re a long time away from being ready to make a decision. When searching for a dock in today’s time you have to be ready to make a choice. They don’t hold dock space for very long if at all
BerryFarmer got upset with honest feedback and left the forum. Not seen since 2023 so perhaps admin can close any threads he started?
That is not the way it works.

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