Bath Soap

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Senior Member
Nov 11, 2020

Do you have any advice on soaps that might clog up plumbing? And, conversely, do you recommend any soaps that are less likely to do so?

Liquid "body wash" might be safer than conventional soap. I`ve never had a blockage using conventional soap, either in a grey water sump, or in a dedicated shower pump out box( filters/pump/switch), but they can need periodic cleaning, esp. filters.
Anecdotal but my experience is the more viscous those squirt bottle hand soaps are, the more likely you’ll be cleaning it out of the pipes later. We use some generic that doesn’t have skin conditioner, etc. that seems to help. No issue with bar soap or shampoo other than the stuff with conditioners, etc. Anything you might describe as goopy should be avoided.
Here is a thought and memory from the past. Probably about 60 years ago.

I remember when all shampoo was as thin as water. Then "Liquid Prell" came out with the thickened shampoo. Their advertising logo was "Other shampoos are thin, watery, watery, watery, Liquid press is thick and luxurious, watch this pearl slowly sinks in the bottle".

It was not long before all shampoo and liquid soaps and detergents had some thickening agent added. Thats what gums up and clogs pipes.

Good subject. We just use liquid hand soap and Dawn.
We lived aboard full time for years and always used bar soap got at Costco. Either Lever 2000 or Kirkland. Pour some distilled white vinegar down the drains once a month-ish. Never had issues with clogs or sump stink.
We use whatever liquid soaps/shampoos in the galley and head. Have never had any problems. Perhaps this is because I clean the Whale sump out about every 6 months. Not because anything plugs up, but to keep the sealed electronic water level switch from getting too gunked. It’s not reliable if it becomes too ”gunked”. Never pour hot pasta water down the drain if you have such a switch. It will lead to premature death (of the switch).

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