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I did not read this thread previously and have not finished it yet. I did not take her as a fraud from the start and thought the severely quick comments to do so was out of place. Sometimes we just get the wrong impression from the start. I think that happened here.

I appreciate her sense of adventure and wish her well. I guess somebody could pick on judgement, but i personally won't be throwing those particular stones.
I never thought she was a fraud and always thought she would do what she said, or try. My only issue was her desire to "cross oceans with just her and her 5 kids"
For me it was the way the GG went about asking questions that should be common knowledge .. then balked about the answers given because she didn't like them. I cannot think she probably did learn something from the forum that has since weighed in on her decision process... and maybe kept her out of some trouble.

I don't consider my self sexist.. I was totally in awe the day that my oldest daughter showed me the log book that she was keeping to track her hours working aboard our local whale watching/ferry boats to qualify to get her Skippers License. Women deserve to enjoy boats and can run boats just as well as men.
I think there are very few success stories of "newbie" boat owners, male or female that buy that big of a boat.. with that size of family. As far as the experience for the kids .. it will be a great one.. kids can put up with a lot and come out smiling.

Some of my view of the entire thing may be because I have a long time friend that has a herd of kids that is always off on some unconventional adventure (6 of them camping in a 18' mini motorhome in B.C. in the winter for a month with little survival gear and minimal prep) is one that comes to mind. She often has to rely on help from strangers to get out of a bind.. and the better prepared would have so many issues.

It's not over yet! She bought a boat. The real question is, being a 24/7 year around live a board. Many newbies live a boards do not make it thru the first winter. The boat is not cold weather ready and she has only a couple of months to get it ready.
It's not over yet! She bought a boat. The real question is, being a 24/7 year around live a board. Many newbies live a boards do not make it thru the first winter. The boat is not cold weather ready and she has only a couple of months to get it ready.

Still a naysayer ?

Go GalaxyGirl !
In fairness Phil has been her biggest fan to date. Long before this current wave of fans came out of the woodwork.
I think it's fair to be both, a fan and critical. She changed courses many times and contradicted herself. She came in like a house on fire and going in all directions. In some ways she's the ultimate interesting, admirable in many ways, unique, but drives you crazy sometimes type.

She's going to do things her way. It's going to work sometimes and not others. Obviously her method of selecting a captain the first time didn't. The second time, I think she likes him although he ran aground in a place that he surely should not have.

She's learning along the way. Force feeding herself and family in a way. Bold moves. Some work better than others. But I do think the boating story is not unlike the rest of her life. She isn't the go to office work 9 to 5 type. She makes her living doing things that are a bit off the wall. Certainly my wife and I are far off the norm so we are the type to say, "go girl." But none of that means that we aren't or she isn't sometimes annoying.

Maybe she's the type you'd love to meet but after a day or so aboard you'd be glad to escape, not disliking her, just exhausted. Or perhaps the type you'd not be anxious to meet and find she was far more fun than you thought and hate it when you had to leave.

As to her getting criticism. She put herself out there for it. She battled those offering advice. She asked questions and then rejected the answers. You live large and loud as she has and you're going to have supporters and detractors. It comes with the territory. And I have criticized her when I thought her approach was bad or she was heading a different way daily and praised her when she finally got her boat and made her first trip.

I'm not yet ready to praise her as a boater. Time will tell. It's not about how much we know going in but how well we learn after. However, when one criticizes her parenting, then I will jump on her side and take offense to that.

It doesn't have to be all one way or the other. I do think she's an attention seeker and she got it, good and bad. But she gets more attention here than those active here. Sure can't say she's boring.

Just waiting for her next question. Far better to focus on the threads she starts than our opinions of her. Are we going to open every thread into talking about how we feel about the originator. Oh but we do like following celebrities and somehow Gavin became one.
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It's not over yet! She bought a boat. The real question is, being a 24/7 year around live a board. Many newbies live a boards do not make it thru the first winter. The boat is not cold weather ready and she has only a couple of months to get it ready.

It looks like she's wintering in FL. So she shouldn't have to do to much preparing I would guess.
It's a 63 Hatt, not a 75 Winnebago. I'm guessing they will learn to cope. Goodness gracious.
Just waiting for her next question. Far better to focus on the threads she starts than our opinions of her. Are we going to open every thread into talking about how we feel about the originator. Oh but we do like following celebrities and somehow Gavin became one.

Agreement with BandB

I for one have been caught (disappointingly so) reading this thread and the analogy for myself has been that of when one drive's by a bad accident scene. You feel sorrow, etc. for those involved but can't help looking at the devastation. :facepalm:

Early on, I subscribed to the GG thread for entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, IMO too many of her initial inquiries were responded to and then met with with an inter-web stand-offish shrug when there wasn't agreement. Since opinions are like asses (we all have 'em), I continued to read, continued to learn about human nature, and for the most part, enjoyed the conversation. Personally, I think if it were a male posting and responding as GG did, the critiques and responding comments would have been much harsher. Too many other examples on this forum indicates as such.

Now, it's slid into an odd assortment of taking sides for some reason. Those who thought she really would pull it off, etc, those defending her, and everything in between. So, for my self, unsubscribe and ignore any new postings. I believe this one has run its course.

"Nothing to look at here folks, please move along." :nonono:
Kind of like a NASCAR race, everyone loves the crashes and hates when their guy/girl is out of the race.
Maybe she's gun shy George?

She is certainly not afraid to ask questions, and has a ready willing and very able forum to get them answered in. But she makes it hard to provide answers since she is unwilling to provide any details or pictures or background information. Expert and able people volunteer to come by and help, and suddenly her location or story changes or she just goes dark. (see above on itinerary). The HOF, as is its mission, is a place where helping other vintage Hatteras owners , especially new ones , is pretty much the whole game. If indeed she has this boat, and there is no reason at all to think not, it would be going much easier for her if she was a little more open and helpful herself. But as happened here, that seems not to be her nature. I will go on trying to help her as much as I can.
Agreement with BandB

I for one have been caught (disappointingly so) reading this thread and the analogy for myself has been that of when one drive's by a bad accident scene. You feel sorrow, etc. for those involved but can't help looking at the devastation. :facepalm:

Early on, I subscribed to the GG thread for entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, IMO too many of her initial inquiries were responded to and then met with with an inter-web stand-offish shrug when there wasn't agreement. Since opinions are like asses (we all have 'em), I continued to read, continued to learn about human nature, and for the most part, enjoyed the conversation. Personally, I think if it were a male posting and responding as GG did, the critiques and responding comments would have been much harsher. Too many other examples on this forum indicates as such.

Now, it's slid into an odd assortment of taking sides for some reason. Those who thought she really would pull it off, etc, those defending her, and everything in between. So, for my self, unsubscribe and ignore any new postings. I believe this one has run its course.

"Nothing to look at here folks, please move along." :nonono:

I agree...I'll just wait for the reality TV show...there's already one "*****" snooping around here for EXACTLY what GG has to offer.

Only in America as they say.....

There was a reality TV show producer snooping around here and another forum for people who live aboard and would be interested in sharing. At least one of these forums..but I think I saw the "inquiry" several places.

They weren't looking for normal boaters and reality TV is looking for REAL people or jobs or anything...they are looking for entertainment and the GG story is right up their alley.
At 286 posts and counting, it certainly seems to be entertaining to the TF. :rolleyes:
I read a few of her blog posts. I think she is proud of not knowing much about boating. She does absolutely no productive research, doesn't accept or appreciate constructive criticism, and counts on the kindness of strangers to get by. It makes for a fun read if you don't know anything about boating safety, but she's a 50/50 shot at killing herself and her kids when she makes the run up the East Coast. I'm not reading any more of her drivel.
The truth hurts.
There was a reality TV show producer snooping around here and another forum for people who live aboard and would be interested in sharing. At least one of these forums..but I think I saw the "inquiry" several places.

They weren't looking for normal boaters and reality TV is looking for REAL people or jobs or anything...they are looking for entertainment and the GG story is right up their alley.

I have seen the producer's posts on at least three boating websites. On the last website, not one person answered publicly. :thumb:

Unfortunately, you are correct about GG. Can you imagine the footage they would have had along with the teaser ads if the camera's had been aboard when the captain went swimming and GG and son had to rescue him. :rolleyes:

That was a very near miss mess.

Yeah, that was a near miss mess, so stay tuned, there's so much more to come.
Can you imagine the footage they would have had along with the teaser ads if the camera's had been aboard when the captain went swimming and GG and son had to rescue him. :rolleyes:

The producer would have probably said "Go under one more time. Swallow some water this time." Then turned to her and said "Take off your clothes then dive in to save him."

You know we act like contrived reality is new. We see the fights on Lizard Lick and camera men and a crew there and they just let Ronnie get beaten up without involving themselves. Really? But this is really not new. Wild Kingdom. It would be the star and someone out in the wild of Africa, all alone in this dangerous area where only the two of them were there with these incredible animals. There was some other hunting show, too. Well, the two of them and a crew of 40.

Sadly, not enough sex or violence with GG's exploits for reality tv. Now I do find her story entertaining and read her blog and follow her posts. Certainly it's different. But then I have a fascination with people who are a bit different. Would probably annoy the heck out of me in person but that's beside the point. I mean my favorite tv reality star is Danielle from American Pickers and I would never get a tattoo myself.
I mean my favorite tv reality star is Danielle from American Pickers and I would never get a tattoo myself.

Did you see the "American Pickers" show where they went to Whiddens Marina at Boca Grande. After going through their shed of junk, the pickers left taking none of it. Those yankees have no taste at all.:D:D


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You know we act like contrived reality is new. We see the fights on Lizard Lick and camera men and a crew there and they just let Ronnie get beaten up without involving themselves. Really? But this is really not new. Wild Kingdom. It would be the star and someone out in the wild of Africa, all alone in this dangerous area where only the two of them were there with these incredible animals. There was some other hunting show, too. Well, the two of them and a crew of 40.

Sadly, not enough sex or violence with GG's exploits for reality tv. Now I do find her story entertaining and read her blog and follow her posts. Certainly it's different. But then I have a fascination with people who are a bit different. Would probably annoy the heck out of me in person but that's beside the point. I mean my favorite tv reality star is Danielle from American Pickers and I would never get a tattoo myself.

We cut the "cable" years ago after many years of talking about it and accepting the status quo. Best thing we ever did and saved us a bunch of money every month. We really should have done it sooner. :nonono:

As a result, I not of this American Picker, Danielle, Ronnie, or Lizzard Lick. :thumb::rofl:

We were at a resort early this summer that had cable. Same old story, lots of channels with nothing worth watching.

Even as a kid, I knew Wild Kingdom was a bit of a put on but at least it was educational. I suppose the Kardashians are education on how to succeed of the stupidity of others. I only know of the K's because the morning radio show I listen too talks about them. :rolleyes: If it was not for the radio show my Pop Culture Knowledge would be much closer to zero, which would be a good thing. :D

We cut the "cable" years ago after many years of talking about it and accepting the status quo. Best thing we ever did and saved us a bunch of money every month. We really should have done it sooner. :nonono:

As a result, I not of this American Picker, Danielle, Ronnie, or Lizzard Lick. :thumb::rofl:

We were at a resort early this summer that had cable. Same old story, lots of channels with nothing worth watching.

Well, I must admit, we like television as an escape. We watch more of the totally ridiculous shows than we do anything serious. We don't take them seriously either. And we watch sports. My favorite show of the month that I just found recently is The Carbonaro Effect. We laugh and it's short.
Well, I must admit, we like television as an escape. We watch more of the totally ridiculous shows than we do anything serious. We don't take them seriously either. And we watch sports. My favorite show of the month that I just found recently is The Carbonaro Effect. We laugh and it's short.

We just don't watch much TV at all. The kids might turn on the main TV once during the week but they usually stream their shows. Since it is Friday, we will watch adult shows we like tonight, Saturday and Sunday.

We don't watch sports which was one reason to cut the cable cord since so much of the bill was for channels we would never watch. Unfortunately, the cable channels have gone cheap on programming, i.e., reality shows, while the service costs have increased. When the history, science and food channels went to reality shows, which are really fantasy shows, we finally cut the cord. Reading the reports on cable/sat viewer ship, I think it has peaked, and more people will do what we do, which is stream what we want, when we want it for as long as we want to watch. Cable will become an Internet provider but I digress. :rofl:

This works boating wise since we also buy DVDs of our favorite shows that we watch over and over again. :)

If GG gets a reality show, we won't be able to watch. :rofl:

I gave our television away back in 1993 and have managed quite nicely. I do have an extensive DVD collection of probably 100 DVDs. Most days, mid-afternoon I'll make a pan of popcorn and enjoy a movie or television show.

There's even a special shelf over my bunk with the first half of my collection. Sorted alphabetically, of course:


And I added a spot for the second fixed VHF radio -- so I can listen from my bunk. That one is generally tuned to Wx so it's easy to check weather each morning and night. Of course the main radio has the Wx Alert on, except for Wednesday's when the system is tested.

Watching movies is great entertainment. And my DVD player (a small car variety -- 7" screen) uses just 15 watts of power. Truth to tell though, I've considered asking the Kidlet for a flat screen tv/dvd player -- for the larger screen so when I put the words on (Closed Captioning) they will be larger.

Television, when I'm at Kidlet's house, seems over-rated. That said, I did like watching Pawn Stars. And all the shows seem to repeat segments or portions thereof -- don't folks have any short-term memory?

But perhaps I have a short-term tolerance of the inane?
Check out BBC's Death in Paradise
Did you see the "American Pickers" show where they went to Whiddens Marina at Boca Grande. After going through their shed of junk, the pickers left taking none of it. Those yankees have no taste at all.:D:D

Missed that one.
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