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Just an update! We got through a season up here on Lake Erie. I absolutely love this boat. Of course a 45 year old boat that has been a dock queen for the last several years is going to have some issues, but mostly nothing big. We have been spinning those big diesels at about 1200rpm that gives me 8.5 kts with approximately 4.5 gallon burn rate. Previous owners ran at about 2000rpm 16kts. Cummins chart shows that at 16 gallon burn. WOT will give us about 22kts. We managed to put almost 100hours on the meters this year. So easy to operate! Docking, and navigation have been way easier than I had imagined. We finally got some big seas to run in a few weeks ago. 4-6 footers were only a minor thing. Of course they were on the quarter beam, so not bad. Only another month before we have to pull her for winter. Already can’t wait for April!!!
Pulled the boat yesterday. Laid up for the winter. Only 2 years till we start for the bahamas!


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Is this the one at Cedar Point? I have my 42' DC at Lakefront Marina, and someone told me his friend had one for sale and kept it at Cedar Point.

That was you that I met at Middle Bass Island? If so it was nice to see another Uniflite out, and about!
It's a lifestyle

I think being a "trawler guy/gal/couple/whatever" is about 5% boat and 95% attitude. A trawler person doesn't go fast, goes slow enough to smell the kelp, and just enjoys getting there at 6-8 or so knots, at least most of the time. Hope your deal works out. I admit to having been very pleasantly surprised when I saw the pics. I was anticipating a boat needing a lot of work, but the one you are in love with looks quite nice right now. Enjoy.
She was just a bit neglected over the last couple years as her owners of 40 years had gotten into their 80’s. Mostly a dock queen for the last 3, or 4 years. I love that there was no hacking on anything. Not 1 hole in a deck that wasn’t factory. Tons of little things, but I’m working my way through them with a smile!
Yes, that was me. We had a good season with it. Just hauled out this afternoon in a sleet storm. Well was only about 100' away, but it was a wild ride getting there. Looking around at other marinas in the area for next year and seem to be striking out for something that size. Where are you keeping yours?
I don’t know. Maybe going to pier 53. Not real happy with the Hoty people this season. Wish they didn’t own everything! LOL we actually talked about a seasonal dock at middle Bass. For the price it’s cheaper to keep it there, and ride the ferry over.
Just having the one at Middle Bass is our current plan. Kind of a pain taking the ferry with 3 dogs and all our stuff. All we really need is a parking spot on mainland. I don't care about a yacht club, pool, etc. Pier 53 is the only one I didn't call yet. Looked there last year, but parking seems to be tight. Nice bathhouse, though.
1200 rpm sounds a little low for extended use, I'm not familiar with those engines others may have more knowledge.

Of course fuel usage will go up as the RPMs increase but that is exactly what you want. If the P.O.s are in their 80's I bet the tanks were full to the top when you bought it. I'll also bet the fuel is several years old.

Here is my best advice for next year. Run the hell out of it!! Buy some extra filters in case you stir up some "tank skank". It may smoke a bit , maybe even for the first two years but running is the best thing for it.

Welcome Aboard,

1200 rpm sounds a little low for extended use, I'm not familiar with those engines others may have more knowledge.

Of course fuel usage will go up as the RPMs increase but that is exactly what you want. If the P.O.s are in their 80's I bet the tanks were full to the top when you bought it. I'll also bet the fuel is several years old.

Here is my best advice for next year. Run the hell out of it!! Buy some extra filters in case you stir up some "tank skank". It may smoke a bit , maybe even for the first two years but running is the best thing for it.

Welcome Aboard,


Plenty of spares on board. Old mechanical diesels smoke a bit, that’s just the way it is. This one smokes less than most. 80degree day about 30 seconds then clears quickly. Cold day will smoke till it warms completely. She was a little neglected over the last couple years. Never abused, and always heated winter storage.
Planning to start molesting her?

Looks nice.

Thanks, and yes I am going to “molest” her a bit. Will be replacing most exterior parts. I will however try to reuse what is there. Radar is ancient. Old monochrome monitor, and all. I have the receipts for everything. I think it was installed late 80’s. The only new holes I plan are for a very large arch at the transom area. It will be the base for everything going on. Bimini will be attached to it. As well as some solar, davits, and some rod holders. I’m just working on design now. I don’t want anything to modern, or it clashes with the boat. Anything to clunky, and it just looks like crap. Most likely will be painted as polished aluminum will also look out of place.
Thanks, and yes I am going to “molest” her a bit. Will be replacing most exterior parts. I will however try to reuse what is there. Radar is ancient. Old monochrome monitor, and all. I have the receipts for everything. I think it was installed late 80’s. The only new holes I plan are for a very large arch at the transom area. It will be the base for everything going on. Bimini will be attached to it. As well as some solar, davits, and some rod holders. I’m just working on design now. I don’t want anything to modern, or it clashes with the boat. Anything to clunky, and it just looks like crap. Most likely will be painted as polished aluminum will also look out of place.

Update…5th season on the “new boat “ haven’t been on in quite a while. Still loving the old girl. Still haven’t got out of Lake Erie, but plan to. Maybe wait till retirement. Everything still works fine.
I lived aboard a Uniflite 42 for a couple years in San Francisco. I wasn't very knowledgeable about boats back then and learned a lot.

With the wood trim on your boat, definitely is pretty dang close to a trawler. There are a number of people on this forum who suggest older motoryachts as inexpensive alternatives to trawlers. Uniflitr 42 and Viking 43 come immediately to mind. A really nice boat.

When you make it to Florida for your Bahamas trek, you'll see what 45 years in strong sunshine will do to fiberglass. I love time-capsule boats from the Midwest.

Glas you're enjoying her.


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