Fuel Tank Imbalance

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R. Bush

Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2019
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Island Gypsy 32
Was just reading over the thread titled "Should fuel tanks be full?". I filled my tanks in the fall just before winter layup for just the reason mentioned - to reduce the possibility of condensate water buildup in the tanks over the winter.

My boat has twin 125 gallon fuel tanks located outboard port and starboard. At my current use rate this is about a 10 year fuel supply. I may be avoiding condensation, but I am certainly opening up the stale fuel can-of-worms.

One partial solution I am contemplating is to simply empty one tank and use only the other. This opens the door to one side of the boat being roughly 875 lbs. heavier than the other if I fill only the one tank. Has anyone out there done this? How much list would I potentially see in my humble 32 ft. trawler?

I don't mind looking a bit silly as I motor into port, but I don't want to get into the area of hazardous stability problems either.
You can get some friends on the boat that weigh about the same as a full tank and have them stand on one side to see how much list you induce. I suspect it will be more than you would like in a 32’ boat.
Just run both tanks as designed. Don't worry about it.

That would be my choice too. I do put additives in to treat the fuel, not sure it helps or not though. But it does make me feel better…
Mine only returns to one side so it's always lopsided when I get home.

It returns to normal by the next day.
I have the same issue on my Albin, basically a sister ship. I mostly compensate the empty tank with battery placement and keeping one water tank near empty.


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