Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
She polished up well after fresh paint. Thanks for the extra sunlight up here in southeast US. We needed a few extra rays. :D


Perfect is as perfect does!

Similar to the exponentially increased x-factor of evermore increasing power percentage in relation to percent realized of getting a boat to push through water resistance for moving faster and faster... Approaching perfection also requires the exponentially increased x-factor of energy expended. Make her fancy finishes prettier than any other boat on the water... but don't make yourself too exhausted to then enjoy her beauty.

And, SOLSTICE Surely is a Beauty!!
Hi team.
I was given these laser cut stainless steel name plates by a very generous and thoughtful friend for my birthday last year. I’m undecided on where to mount them so I’m throwing it out to you guys to see where you reckon they should go.


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Perfect is as perfect does!

Similar to the exponentially increased x-factor of evermore increasing power percentage in relation to percent realized of getting a boat to push through water resistance for moving faster and faster... Approaching perfection also requires the exponentially increased x-factor of energy expended. Make her fancy finishes prettier than any other boat on the water... but don't make yourself too exhausted to then enjoy her beauty.

And, SOLSTICE Surely is a Beauty!!
Thanks mate
I am just in awe of your skill and tenacity. The results are stunning. Well done indeed.
Hi team.
I was given these laser cut stainless steel name plates by a very generous and thoughtful friend for my birthday last year. I’m undecided on where to mount them so I’m throwing it out to you guys to see where you reckon they should go.

You may not have the real estate to mount them on the boat so, your explanation might be, "I am still looking for the perfect spot to mount them."
Killed the pig today that’s for sure! Got the superstructure all polished up and waxed then I sanded the starboard side of the hull from the midrail to the gunwales then I jumped up and started to tape out for the nonskid paint. Turns out stubbies are perfect for making corner radiuses ????


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Love it!

Re SOLSTICE SS name plates. I recommend Felicity for deep counsel. Females usually know where to place tattoos on one another. Might surprise you what positions Flic comes up with!

Best luck in SS name plate placements.
Crikey, that's one shiny boat. Doesn't look like you have any really obvious spots to put those nameboards on either side. Maybe slap one on the stern, and another inside somewhere? Maybe inlay it into a counter or table, or make it your shower drain! You could do some fancy ass superyacht style blue backlighting or something.
Crikey, that's one shiny boat. Doesn't look like you have any really obvious spots to put those nameboards on either side. Maybe slap one on the stern, and another inside somewhere? Maybe inlay it into a counter or table, or make it your shower drain! You could do some fancy ass superyacht style blue backlighting or something.

Hey mate
I love the idea of popping one inside. I’m having her name sign written across the transom so probably won’t do that. I was thinking of putting them up on the roof brow beside the port/stbd nav lights so there was a cool effect at night.

I might put some double sided tape on them and move them around a bit and see how they go.
Love it!

Re SOLSTICE SS name plates. I recommend Felicity for deep counsel. Females usually know where to place tattoos on one another. Might surprise you what positions Flic comes up with!

Best luck in SS name plate placements.

Yeh I’ve done that lol..
In Addition: Happy SOLSTICE = Happy YOU!!!

Which then also = Happy Flic!!!!! :dance: :thumb: [emoji3]

End of construction and floating boat = happy flic. Not forgetting the project was approved on a unintentionally underestimated budget and timeframe ;-)
Mr. H. "...unintentionally underestimated budget and time frame..." Ah yes. Project creep. I think the formula for boat project time estimation is: Estimate time in hours, multiply times 3, convert to days and add 50%.

Cost estimation is somewhat similar BUT slightly more complicated: Estimate cost in Indian Rupees (INR), double that value then convert to AUD. Current exchange rate is aprox 50:1...

As I follow your epic saga I can hardly wait for a successful launch BUT....BUT....the question that is on MY mind is: Given the massive additions to your already impressive skill set AND your ability to work 27 hours a day, your launch may be a bit of an anti-climax.

I recall you have extensive skill with motorcycles, automobiles and now boats. I hesitate to ask, but what's next?

construction | The Airship Association



Me too! I'm currently 78 years old so don't take too long to splash her!:oldman:

"Constant pursuit of the ultimate SoCal Cruising boat."

I thought you'd found it... w/ your 42' OA ??

You must be afflicted with "BBI"!

Better Boat Itis...
Hi team.
I was given these laser cut stainless steel name plates by a very generous and thoughtful friend for my birthday last year. I’m undecided on where to mount them so I’m throwing it out to you guys to see where you reckon they should go.

Rear of the side windows.

Possibly between the forward port lights. Not sure how much room is there or how much curve.
Taping up for the nonskid this arvo


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That's a lot of stubbies. Looks good. What non-skid will you use?

Lol thanks mate. I am making my own non-skid. I’m painting Wattyl’s Poly U400 2 Part Polyurethane and International’s Intergrip aggregate.

I’ve decided to tie in the roof brow to the topsides by using the same colour. I’m getting the Poly U mixed to Koala Grey and will get the paint shop to satin/flat it out. Hopefully it will look the goods.

The rooftop will be done with kiwigrip in light grey.


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Prettier n' Prettier, Better n' Better... To SPLASH you march!
Fitted off the very first piece of stainless steel thanks to Rex and Joy Francis at Anchor Right Australia. I had a couple of things I could have done first but wanted to save that for the Anchor Right gear. They gave me this roller and a SARCA Excel anchor about 3 years or so ago. I rolled up some butyl tape and put it around the hole on the roller to keep water away from the holes in the bowsprit. I need to tighten over three days to make sure everything is squeezed out and water tight. After I did the roller I bolted down the bowrail to the bowsprit then began marking out, drilling and taping the bowrail feet on the topsides ready for when I do the nonskid.


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She's really coming together now. Careful putting on her jewelry... gals can get finicky about that! - LOL
Great tape off. Everything is going to come out evenly and look just excellent.
Started with the nonskid this afternoon and I’m stoked with it. Never done it before so watched a few YouTube vids, asked a few questions and had a crack. There were a few ways to do it but I decided to roll a coat of Poly U400 on the area with a foam roller, wait for 10 mins for it to tack off then sprinkled on the aggregate then roll on a second coat. Tomorrow I’ll roll on a third coat just to seal it all off and make the colour uniform but yeah pretty happy with it. I’m really glad I decided to use the same colour as the roof brow. It will tie the two together perfectly.


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