My Quarantine Cruise of 2020

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Peter, I have actually considered that option but had never actually tested the length of the shower hose....until now!

I have a separate shower stall, which is kinda unique in a 34, and the hose is plenty long enough. That will be plan E.

LOL, just stick to the IPA and you'll be fine.
Please, PLEASE though avoid any more photo ops like the one on the dock with the Corona donees. It only takes one....

Otherwise keep on cruising, it brings back many many happy memories from our times in the Delta. And April is Middle River Railroad Bridge Month!
No worries, George, we're all maintaining proper social distance protocols. To those who want to discuss Covid policies or procedures, there's a Covid Section on TF in Harbor Chat. This thread is about this cruise in the CA Delta.

This post will cover the past couple days. It's been busy around here avoiding the rains on Sat and Sunday. I needed a grocery store run, a gas station and, for my first time in many many years, a laundromat...all by foot with my folding wagon in RV.

I took a Rio Vista walkabout and came across these socially distant lovers getting a little alone time safely apart to protect the parents. They even posed for a picture. That's as close as I ever saw them! Then a downpour began and we scattered out of the weather as fast as we different directions.

I decided I needed a walk regardless of the weather and donned my mismatched raingear and hit the streets of RV. What better time to take a walk during a worldwide viral pandemic than suited up in a downpour?

Say 'Hi' to Zack, my QC5 Corona Victim/Survivor.

Next up is my QC6 Corona Survivor, Donny.

The Rio Vista Bridge open for the tug Sarah Reed upbound.

Q Cruise Corona Victim/Survivor 6, Donny.

A USCG boat load of heroes. Thanks for all you do for all of us! :thumb: :thumb:

After the weekend storms passed, I departed the Rio Vista Public dock headed to nearby Delta Marina for pumpout and rewatering. While there I gave Corona to marina employee Rich, my 7th QC Victim/Survivor.

FlyWright is once again fueled and provisioned for another 2 weeks, if needed. I am in a favorite anchorage in the lee of Decker Island on Horseshoe Bend of the Sacramento River. I'm sitting on a great fishing hole and have stripers all over the place now. It's going to be a great fishing trip! My plan for this afternoon is to launch the dinghy and troll for stripers along the tule reeds in protected Horseshoe Bend.

Hope you're all staying safe, healthy and entertained. Cheers from FlyWright!


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My anchorage


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Al, are you eating stripers? Shouldn't they be providing all your protein requirements?

Wonder why you're handing out Coronas when you favor IPAs.

When in grade school, I offered a candy to a classmate. He asked, "do you like this candy?" I said "no."

Corona is better than no beer at all.
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No worries, George, we're all maintaining proper social distance protocols. To those who want to discuss Covid policies or procedures, there's a Covid Section on TF in Harbor Chat. This thread is about this cruise in the CA Delta.


I get it but you posted a pic clearly in conflict with distancing, that's all. Now get on up to Prospect Slough or one of the many other beautiful gunk holes a short way from RV!
Mark, I have plenty of food and a good variety of IPAs for myself The Corona is a gift of cheer one beer at a time.

George, I'm not the Corona cop to others fishing together on the dock but I can still maintain my distance. How close do you have to get to buy something at the store? That's as close as I've been to someone besides passing in a grocery store aisle. I actually caught myself holding my breath when we passed close by. I had to chuckle at myself.
FlyWright, have you left the dock yet? TEASE

Time to hoist the Jolly Roger and make for open seas. LOL
Best time to escape is a rising tide under cover of darkness. (gotta have a plan)
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For the record for those of us in So. Calif. We actually lease a mooring up at the two harbors area of Catalina and just received notice from the Catalina Island Mooring company that no boats are being allowed into any moorings on the Island. That includes Avalon. It is pretty disappointing for Catalina lovers here and especially lessees that have already paid for their lease for 2020. I do understand the reason for this though. Obviously they do not want to put residents over there at risk since their medical infrastructure is very limited.

Does that mean you can’t drop anchor either? There are several nice Anchorages on the front side.
Holy smokes!! I was awakened with 3 foot rollers in my quiet anchorage thanks to wind gusts to 30 kts from the north leaving me fully exposed to the fetch and tide against wind. It was a rolly wakeup but felt somehow reassuring that FlyWright was handling it all just fine. My new dink, Better Straighten Up, was tied to my starboard hip, stern fwd, and rode out the blow quite nicely...although I found I need to drill a hole into the bottom of my homemade PVC rod holders. There's probably a 1/2 cup of water in there!

Had an interesting day on the water. I had to wait a few hours for the tide to align with the wind so the seas would settle and I could safely load the dink aboard. Then it was time to refresh propane, OTC meds and bait in RV before the storm this weekend.

Got in a good walk and a replenishment of those personal supplies you'd never think you'd need when departing on a 3 day fishing trip that's been extended to a 15 day quarantine and then find it's been extended again to 30 days. Prescription drugs are a whole 'nuther story. I'm even making plans to relocate my car closer to my new home base thanks to my buddy, Ray.

What a strange time we are living through. Never thought this would ever happen in the USA but there's no place I'd rather be that America in a time like this.

America has our back.

Never thought this would ever happen in the USA but there's no place I'd rather be that America in a time like this.

America has our back.

Uh, well, I’d say that America’s response in general has been rather lethargic and reactive. Except for perhaps California State.

Hate to compliment Cali [emoji846], but they seem to be having a better handle on this situation than most other areas.
You can be just like California. Vote Newsom in 2024 ��
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Uh, well, I’d say that America’s response in general has been rather lethargic and reactive. Except for perhaps California State.

Hate to compliment Cali [emoji846], but they seem to be having a better handle on this situation than most other areas.

Kentucky is doing a great job! Never thought I'd see Kentucky in the forefront of anything. Nice that we aren't making the news as being ahead of the rest of the nation in meth labs and prescription drug abuse.
Didn't mean to start state by state rant. Just showing optimism at a difficult time in the world today.

Cheers to all from FlyWright. Stay safe.
Great news!!! I ran Peggie Hall's TP test on my 2-ply rolls aboard. It's done with a single sheet shaken in a jar of water to see if it pulverizes easily. Both brands passed with flying colors so I'm well stocked for the foreseeable future!

Woo hoo!

Isn't it amazing how one's priorities and delights change during a crisis? I recently found a frozen half rack of homemade BBQ ribs in the freezer. I completely forgot I had them left in there. I was tempted to throw a party but there was no one I could have invited over!

They were the best ribs ever!!
My makeshift face mask from a bandana and 2 hair ties/rubber bands.


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My makeshift face mask from a bandana and 2 hair ties/rubber bands.
Maybe we need to produce and offer "TF Buffs" with our burgee logo?
My makeshift face mask from a bandana and 2 hair ties/rubber bands.
Kinda like a condom made from plastic wrap and 2 rubber bands.:)
Even a homemade mask will dissuade you from touching your face, a serious method of contagion transfer if you touched an infected surface.
When you wear that mask into the back, they will be impressed and so will the cops.
Some shots along the way from Prospect Slough to Rio Vista to Georgiana Slough where I'm hunkered down until at least Tuesday in a storm.

Golden Hour on Prospect Slough
Rio Vista Bridge
Isleton Bridge coming and going
Ryde Hotel ready for Palm Sunday
Georgiana Slough Bridge
Georgiana Slough sunsets

I lost my old windsock on the bow to Davey Jones' locker when the hook failed. The TF burgee has been a great looking substitute until the new windsock arrived from Amazon. This one will be easier to see at night for those drone zone operations. For $8, I also ordered a spare.

I've actually come to prefer the windsock for its quiet, unflappable nature and precise wind direction indication.


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After 3 nights on Georgiana Slough, I headed east on Wednesday towards the Tower Park Marina/Terminous area to my Secret Cove. I arrived to an empty Cove and am anchored bow and stern in the middle with perfect, 360* protection.

The wildlife here in this micro environment is amazing. As the sun set, my little Cove came alive with wildlife! About 40 snowy egrets came home to roost off my port side, two beavers scurried ashore off the bow, an otter or two took a swim off the starboard side, a pair of large hawks were perched on the highest limbs off the stern and big fish were jumping all around. Later, a pair of Canada Geese joined the party. (Typical Canadiens...Always the last ones to the party, unlike the Aussies. :hide:)

Took my evening dink Corona Cruise and found a Pirate Ship along the way. Here's the story behind it.

Buccaneer League – a 501(c)(3) charity

In the end, unable to find my next victim before the booty got warm, I was forced to take another Corona for the team. The sacrifices we make for the mission!

It's good to be home in the California Delta!


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Sorry I've been so cellphone coverage was very weak. I tried to post several times but the cell signal caused the loss of the posts. Finally I just gave up trying, but I continued posting on my @DeltaBridges and personal (Al Kroeger) Facebook pages. I've posted several short videos and panorama photos on those pages that are incompatible to post on this site. Please feel free to stop by and check them out.

I spent 16 glorious nights at the Secret Cove - a new personal record! It was exceptional as a temporary home base for privacy and seclusion without total isolation, wind protection in a beautiful nature micro environment. It's also only a hour's drive from home so my wife could help me out when needed. The only thing that sucked there was the internet/cell coverage.

Over those 16 days, I'd come and go in either the dink or I'd take couple hours round trip ride in FlyWright to local waterways or marinas. In FW, I'd just drop my stern anchor rode and float so it would be there for my return. I also got pretty good at towing the dink on a short tow line, when convenient.

The cove was visited a couple times by pro Bass Angler Skeet Reese who lives in nearby Auburn, CA. He's a very nice guy and I really enjoyed watching pro at work fishing my cove. (I'll add photos later...)

After 16 days in the cove, I was ready for variety. The stripers are running on the Sacramento River and Georgiana Slough so I headed that way. Yesterday I dropped the hooks (bow and stern) near Tyler Island Bridge on the Georgiana Slough. I'll probably stay here for a couple days before moving upstream.

The internet seems much better here. I'll soon paste some cuts from my Facebook page.
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Sorry I've been so cellphone coverage was very weak. I tried to post several times but the cell signal caused the loss of the posts. Finally I just gave up trying, but I continued posting on my @DeltaBridges and personal (Al Kroeger) Facebook pages. I've posted several short videos and panorama photos on those pages that are incompatible to post on this site. Please feel free to stop by and check them out.

I spent 16 glorious nights at the Secret Cove - a new personal record! It was exceptional as a temporary home base for privacy and seclusion without total isolation, wind protection in a beautiful nature micro environment. It's also only a hour's drive from home so my wife could help me out when needed. The only thing that sucked there was the internet/cell coverage.

Over those 16 days, I'd come and go in either the dink or I'd take couple hours round trip ride in FlyWright to local waterways or marinas. In FW, I'd just drop my stern anchor rode and float so it would be there for my return. I also got pretty good at towing the dink on a short tow line, when convenient.

The cove was visited a couple times by pro Bass Angler Skeet Reese who lives in nearby Auburn, CA. He's a very nice guy and I really enjoyed watching pro at work fishing my cove. (I'll add photos later...)

After 16 days in the cove, I was ready for variety. The stripers are running on the Sacramento River and Georgiana Slough so I headed that way. Yesterday I dropped the hooks (bow and stern) near Tyler Island Bridge on the Georgiana Slough. I'll probably stay here for a couple days before moving upstream.

The internet seems much better here. I'll soon paste some cuts from my Facebook page.


It’s nearly July! Where are you now?

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