New construction: She:Kon

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Take it easy and pet the shop supervisor for good luck.
I'm sure if the 'Shop Supervisor' had it his way I'd do nothing but pet him and get no boat building done! :banghead:

Today I got the upper portion of Frame B tabbed to the hull and Frame D set in place. I'll line it up and glue it to the hull tomorrow.


I'll just keep plugging away till I fall down and can't get back up. :rolleyes: Few more pics on the blog: ... tures.html

Nice work! Your need to establish and maintain the infrastructure supporting your build reminds me of books I've read about the Wright Bros. The needed to establish a functioning camp in the sand fly-infested, wind blown sand dunes of Kitty Hawk. When they'd leave and return after several months, they'd have to practically start over by rebuilding the camp.

Like you, they also brought more than smarts to the job. It takes tenacity, endurance, strength, experience and ingenuity to succeed. Looks like you've got it all in spades!


Thanks for the kind words Al. Means a lot. Honestly. :thumb:

It takes tenacity, endurance, strength, experience and ingenuity to succeed.


Thanks a lot, Al. I was happily ignorant of this only moments ago. I might as well just crawl into my lazarette and slam the hatch.:blush:

Can't deny that Rick has them in spades, though.
Thanks a lot, Al. I was happily ignorant of this only moments ago. I might as well just crawl into my lazarette and slam the hatch.:blush:

Can't deny that Rick has them in spades, though.

I'll have to make sure the wife adds those words to her vocabulary. She just says I'm stubborn! :rofl:
Putzed around some more today. Back really seized up last night. Took it easy. After a fresh look at Frame D this morning I realized I had it all frigged up. The way I did it the thing floats in air so has to be braced eight ways from Sunday to get it in the proper place. After taking a wee tumble and wrecking it for the second time I cut some 2 x 4's for braces! :ermm:


This part is on the starboard side just ahead of the v-berth. It'll likely become the Admiral's sewing table. And another overall view.


Measured twenty times. It's plumb & square as it should be. It'll get tabbed into place tomorrow along with Frame A. Gonna buy some cheap sheeting ply and put in some temporary decks.

Thanks for looking in fellas.

Thanks a lot, Al. I was happily ignorant of this only moments ago. I might as well just crawl into my lazarette and slam the hatch.:blush:

Can't deny that Rick has them in spades, though.

You're no slouch either, HH. We've seen your mods on your Manatee. I wish I had half of your talent.

Gonna buy some cheap sheeting ply and put in some temporary decks.

That should make it much easier on your back and knees. :thumb:
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Frame A and D now tabbed to the hull. I ran out of glue (epoxy & wood flour w/little cabosil) so ordered more. I hope to drop Frame F in tomorrow. That's the front part of the main cabin. Will have to build stairs over the engine space and down into the forward cabin. Engine should be finished soon.

Frame A and D now tabbed to the hull. I ran out of glue (epoxy & wood flour w/little cabosil) so ordered more. I hope to drop Frame F in tomorrow. That's the front part of the main cabin. Will have to build stairs over the engine space and down into the forward cabin. Engine should be finished soon.

:dance::speed boat:Making head way.
The rains seem to have let up for awhile.

Working hard trying to stop 'over thinking' every detail of this project. Just picked a task and go to it this morning.

[Sorry pics are on photobucket so I can't use them here]

Filled the rudder voids with expanding foam. First time I've ever used this stuff. Neat.

More pics & a video on today's blog update: ... hings.html

Thanks for looking in.

That 2 part foam can be a bit finicky at times. I've had it go off as soon as I started mixing and I've had it take 10-15 minutes. It's not a big deal if it takes a while when it's going into and enclosed space. It's a big pita when doing a semi open pour like you were doing.
It hasn't rained in 36 hrs! Wohoo! We may have turned the corner. Oh wait. Fack! More nasty weather in the forecast! :banghead:

Anyhow I managed to get some puttering in. Two aft bulkheads glassed. Boat leveled (for now). And some poo on the rudder. Never, ever pour that two part foam over plastic sheeting! Never! :facepalm:

Web log updated: ... round.html
Good to hear you're getting some work done. I was thinking about you the other day. My youngest son wants to do a motorcycle ride up to Newfie. I don't think he realizes how far that is.
Nice job Rick ! My hat is off to you man.
Thanks fella's. Kind words help a lot! :thumb:

Lil' sanding and more fairing on the rudder. Had guests so not much else got done.

I'd call that good score. A little extra money and two nice size coolers. :thumb:

Don't feel bad about not fitting the MRI machine, I don't fit either. They used an open air MRI. It takes longer but gets the job done. I often wonder the same thing as well. Why the heck do we have to go in head first for a lower spine image? :ermm:

After my first MRI, I told the doctor, one has two choices. You can either prefect your praying or your profanity, you make the choice.
I was promised a 'relaxer" but, it never arrived. I have had many more for my back and and and. I even had one wearing a cage to check out my head. I am not comfortable but, I can make it through. The first one, they tried putting a big velcro strap across me, that did not work. Seems the tech latched the strap just as I exhaled. Bad plan.
Hey Fella's & Gal's.

It's been awhile. We're close to breaking Winter's stranglehold on us. Warmer temps in the forecast. I was able to break my way into the boat shed this weekend to survey the damage from a wind storm a few weeks ago. See attached pix.

Currently back workin' for the gubment to buy more boat supplies. Should be back at building by mid April. Full time early may.



PS. Our Youtube channel now uses our URL


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Glad to see your update, hope all is well and those damn jobs play hell on boat building. Look forward to the work to start again soon.

Good to see you getting ready to get back at it!

What's that white stuff in your boat shed? Looks like something you would see in an old style freezer. :rolleyes:

Happy to hear from you, Rick. I thought your back issues had taken over the build.
Good to see you getting ready to get back at it!

What's that white stuff in your boat shed? Looks like something you would see in an old style freezer. :rolleyes:


Hey Ted

I spent 5 weeks in Mexico so I wouldn't have to see that crap. Ole' Mother Nature had other plans. :facepalm:

Another week it should be all gone :thumb:

Stay tuned.

Happy to hear from you, Rick. I thought your back issues had taken over the build.

The back & leg slow me down but I can't stop now. No pain, no gain so they say. :blush:
Welcome back!
Good God the real boat is comming back to life!!!

Great to hear from you Rick.
You’ve got a wonderful boat comm’in on there Rick and probably the perfect size.
Yup ..... been a long winter
Good to see you back. Post more pictures.
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