Morehead City Town Docks tonight or anchored in Beaufort's Town Creek or Taylor's Creek?
At the 4.3 knts I'm making right now I might not get there today I just watched a Carver 440 go hard aground in Bogue Sound.
When I come around Radio Island and I'm in the flood I'm going to need to deploy my sea anhor just to keep from plowing into downtown Beaufort
There he goes to pull the Carver
Headed to Caspers in Swansboro now. $3.31 with tax!. The fried oysters on blue cheese grits sounds insanely good. As to the leg, I'm thinking about hacking it off with my diving knife. No mo bedda at all
Might have to go peg leg to complete the look.
Taylor Creek
. I went to the DR today and I managed to tear the muscles in my leg with my skateboard frolic. I guess my running is out of the question for a while