Underway Today

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sorry Daddyo.
I didn't mean to hijack the tread.
I've got my brain all wrapped around this Captains test thing.
Just you keep water moving under the keel.
Safe passage.

What have I done!!!

Yes indeed. I just can't believe I have a potted plant aboard now. I must be getting soft. All this ICW stuff will do it to you I guess.
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Yes indeed. I just can't believe I have a potted plant aboard now. I must be getting soft. All this ICW stuff will do it to you I guess.

How does that compare with a flying pig?

Yes indeed. I just can't believe I have a potted plant aboard now. I must be getting soft. All this ICW stuff will do it to you I guess.

Creeping domestication.
Maybe you will meet some other boaters, you could trade them the dirt for another anchor, or maybe another engine.
A few pics from the Miami Ft Lauderdale area. Anchored in No Name Harbor in Key Biscayne. Arrived just after sunset. Dinner on a friends sailboat all is good. The underwater LED lights I put on are great for nightime dingy boarding. 10:00pm and its 72 degrees.




Another day in paradise. That's looking back toward Miami.



Just a reminder for those joining late you can track us at marinetraffic.com. search "Grace".
Louisiana swamp:


The first evening in the true keys.

The fish lights at work!


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Fish lights are cool!
Daddyo, glad the epic journey continues. Are you at Rodriguez Key?
Just checked your location. Looks like you are in about the same spot that we have anchored. There just aren't many good anchoring spots on Hawk channel between Biscayne Bay and Marathon.
We were pretty close to each other. When you were in No Name we were anchored behind Key Biscayne up near the yacht club. We had anchored in Blackwater Sound the night before. Chuck
Well folks I think this is it for the southing. In Marathon now and no real desire for the craziness of Key West. I will start the thread back up when I start heading North. I hope all have enjoyed the trip. Stay warm:socool:
Well it's time to head north. The trip starts at first light. I'm solo on this leg as the kids are in school now. The final destination is Boothbay Maine with a layover in Deltaville, VA for a few weeks. I hope to mostly run outside but I'll be limited by the quality of my rest times. The pics are from our slip and snorkeling. As before you can track me on marinetraffic.com search "grace" MMSI 913030566


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That's a long haul solo. Wish I was there to crew for you.

Hope the trip goes well. I'll be living it vicariously online.
That's a long haul solo. Wish I was there to crew for you.


I'd fly out and cover my my expenses just to get some sea time...Just to darn busy at the moment. Moto GP coming to Austin for the first time on April 19th. I'm preparing :socool:
Just off Key Largo inside channel


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