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I was taking off the electricians tape .. Marking for depth.
Thought the tape would't stay on but It's really on there .. after 5 years or so. I'll add tape rings every 25' after the end of the leader ... Four rings will be 150'. Think I'll try only one wrap as it sticks so well and then maybe I won't cut myself up taking it off.
Put a 50' 9/16" "leader" on my 400' 5/8ths Brait rode. Instead of swaping ends I'll just change out the leader. I can also quickly take it home and clean it.

Good to see you're instructing Joy on helmansmanship. Or is she just serving as autopilot? I run Willy about 80% of the time and do 100% of the landings but that's going to change. Intend to setup a landing situation and have her do it many times. She'll get a sense of how much more rpm is needed for reverse and how often to bump into neutral and for how long to maintain a walking speed. Graduate school will be walking on water pulling the boat along.
Wifey B: I find it so funny how many wives are hesitant to operate a boat. They drive cars every day so you'd just think they'd look at it and say, "I can learn that too." :)

I love being at the helm of a boat. Any boat. RIB to large. Runabout on lake to Sport boat. Yesterday to Cat Cay and back we split it 50/50.

Yesterday was a day of celebration. Nothing in particular but just fun and being together. Even better when we got home with jacuzzi, champagne, fruit and berries and little pieces of chicken and beef with toothpicks. We just wanted to have a big celebration with just the two of us. Not a special day in our life. We just made it one. We're relaxing today.

That brings up an idea though. Anyone can do it in their own way. Random pleasure for no reason but. Maybe something none of us do enough. Do something special for or with your spouse or kids or anyone special to you. Not because it's someone's birthday or Christmas, just because. So, that's the challenge. We didn't plan, just sitting behind the house Sunday night the idea hit us.
We are still dealing with my heart issues . They have been working on me since December's open heart surgery . They have one more shot to get it right here in a couple weeks . Until then when we go out for short runs Joy has been talking the helm . She's pulled in the slip but not backed out yet . She always handles the boat when dropping and retrieving anchor .
Building a dirt house. Basically a remodel by "Caterpillar". My job is to try to get people to do things. Living on the boat right behind the house in the meantime. Still have chill deep in the bones from the winter. Will take a month of heat to cook it out of me.

Wifey B: How long till it's finished?
Had to leave the boat in Chesapeake and drive up for a funeral. Now we're stressing that no one from Ideal windlass is responding and we don't want to keep moving North without fixing the windlass, which had broken again.
Cancelled the launch of our boat yesterday... we just found a slow leak at the weld of the starboard diesel tank and the connector to a shutoff valve. Now pumping out many gallons of fuel, then the discussion of whether a repair is possible or how to get the 325 gallon tank out (and probably the port one as well ... 30 year old black steel). Cut the tank up? cut into the fiberglass side of the boat? and looking for skilled personel/marina/boat yard on the US side of Lake Ontario near Point Breeze and Rochester....
We did that ...
Pulled the tanks and replaced and while we were at it replaced the engine.

Really sorry the tank let go.
Is the remaining tank 325 gallons? Pump out the old leaker and run in the remaining good tank. With ok ballast issues you could easily limit the good tank to 200 gallons. We were going to do that until we decided to move to AK. May work if you have a list to the side of the leaking tank .. then running the good remaining tank would be doable .. or even good.

Find out first if the tank can be removed easily .... I just assumed it can't as most can't.
Just back from "The Blessing of the Fleet" on SF bay. Done well by Corinthian Yacht Club.


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Hi Eric...
Both tanks are 325 gallons and impossible to get out without either demolishing the tanks or cutting through the side of the boat. Our twin 135 Lehman engines are in great shape so we really haven't thought about moving them out of the way to get to the fuel tanks. Something to check out of course, but I think we are probably looking at a demolition derby of some kind!

We have thought about a temporary solution of just using the port fuel tank and balancing the resulting list by only filling the150 gallon starboard water tank.

Needless to say, we are worried about the idea of fuel getting into the bilge and then the pump coming on while we are away from the boat... that would be a disaster!
Cleaning the boat, enjoying a beverage, cleaning the boat, enjoying a...you get the idea and getting ready for an early June trip up to the Chesapeake. Big air show this weekend at Cherry Point MCAS across the river from us so will be there cheering on the sound of freedom.
I don't have any concrete numbers or anything on this. However, by observation it sure seems that a lot of people who haul their boats for the winter experience problems when they launch in the spring. I've seen it in different areas too. Is it just appearance to an outsider or really problematic? I've never hauled a boat for the winter but do realize many have no choice.

Is the time it's hauled just the same as if it had been left in the water? More problems? Fewer problems?
Just got back from Fort Myers, FL to Crisfield, MD on Thursday (3 weeks). Flew down to Miami of Friday for a weekend technical diving conference, and back to MD on Monday. Wish I was back out cruising.

Wifey B: How long till it's finished?

Evil question, that!! How the heck do I know??


Figuring toward the end of July.

And of course "finished" as a term can have a sliding scale of meaning.

Have not yet slept in it, pooped, or got a cold beer out of the fridge, so not finished!!!

Of course I can beat up the contractor and get a promised date... But that is me, so sorta pointless.

Framing insp tomorrow. Plumbing, HVAC, elect rough insp done. Sprayed foam insul under roof deck, that stuff is the HEAT. Or lack of it..

If you want a house... Just buy one.

I guess I need a project to be happy. Built the machine shop. Built the boat. Now building the house.

When done, boat goes in the shed for well deserved heavy maintenance and refit. Then rent the house out and off on the boat.. Somewhere.
Just got back from Fort Myers, FL to Crisfield, MD on Thursday (3 weeks). Flew down to Miami of Friday for a weekend technical diving conference, and back to MD on Monday. Wish I was back out cruising.


Classes and conferences always take away from the fun stuff. I enjoy many classes on many subjects, but it's always what I could be doing instead.
Evil question, that!! How the heck do I know??


Figuring toward the end of July.

And of course "finished" as a term can have a sliding scale of meaning.

Have not yet slept in it, pooped, or got a cold beer out of the fridge, so not finished!!!

Wifey B: I figure finished as the first night there when you christen the bed in the master bedroom. :)
Just got back from Fort Myers, FL to Crisfield, MD on Thursday (3 weeks). Flew down to Miami of Friday for a weekend technical diving conference, and back to MD on Monday. Wish I was back out cruising.


Hi Ted, Glad you're home safe and on time. We will dock at home in CT tomorrow. Was fun meeting you. Howard and Jackie.
Wifey B: I figure finished as the first night there when you christen the bed in the master bedroom. :)

Ha!! My on-again/off-again GF has been "sniffing around" a bit, now that I seem to be serious about building a new house. She was actually "shocked" that I had the guts to knock down the old one. She has been very pleasant to me, rare that. She got to roaming around in the house making all sorts of off the wall suggestions. I finally had to usher her out as should I have listened to a single one of her suggestions, it would have cost me a good bit of money. Told her she could check it out when I am done, and not before.

Then I will use your suggestion to consider it "finished". Not sure she will oblige.

Going to have a pig and bluegrass on opening day. If she is cranky, I'll pick another.
Hi Ted, Glad you're home safe and on time. We will dock at home in CT tomorrow. Was fun meeting you. Howard and Jackie.

Yes, definitely great time spending a few evenings together! The unexpected get togethers make the trip that much more enjoyable! Hope you got your battery issue resolved.

Classes and conferences always take away from the fun stuff. I enjoy many classes on many subjects, but it's always what I could be doing instead.

Conference was great. Many good presentations, networking with acquaintances, and some very good dinners. Missed my bed rocking gently at night. :rolleyes:

I don't have any concrete numbers or anything on this. However, by observation it sure seems that a lot of people who haul their boats for the winter experience problems when they launch in the spring. I've seen it in different areas too. Is it just appearance to an outsider or really problematic? I've never hauled a boat for the winter but do realize many have no choice.

Is the time it's hauled just the same as if it had been left in the water? More problems? Fewer problems?

I don't like hauling in the winter. Scares me. Every and any drop of water will freeze. And thaw ...... and freeze ..
Even in Alaska we had almost no problems from cold. All the problems (mostly) were caused by water and oil leaks. Rain rain rain and the only time for painting or varnishing was in the summer when we wanted to go boating.
When people go shopping for a boat the problems they are wary of is usually water caused problems. And if a boat leaks on the hard the water will freeze and likely will cause problems .. likely expensive.
I'd much rather be floating in my boat slip.
I'd much rather be floating in my boat slip.

Me too if I had a choice, but even with bubblers my slip would freeze solid like two feet of concrete and my boat would get crunched like Franklin's Erebus at the North Pole (fresh water, South Dakota).
Just got back from sailing across the Gulf of Mexico from Isla Muheres to Clear Lake Texas with some friends returning from cruising the western Carribean. What a great boat. It was a 47' Lien Hwa Sea Master motor sailer with an emphasis on sail! It has a Perkins 4-236 like the ones in mine and since we had little wind we ran it most of the way (about 770 miles). What a sweet running engine. This was my first long passage and it was a great 5 day crossing. We even caught a 58" long Mahi Mahi along the way. What fun that was, and tasty!

Yup ..
South Dakota is a lot colder than SE Alaska.
Our boat was solid in 3" of ice at one point because of the fresh water from the Thorne River. Was strange stepping aboard w no movement at all.
Just got back from sailing across the Gulf of Mexico from Isla Muheres to Clear Lake Texas with some friends returning from cruising the western Carribean. What a great boat. It was a 47' Lien Hwa Sea Master motor sailer with an emphasis on sail! It has a Perkins 4-236 like the ones in mine and since we had little wind we ran it most of the way (about 770 miles). What a sweet running engine. This was my first long passage and it was a great 5 day crossing. We even caught a 58" long Mahi Mahi along the way. What fun that was, and tasty!


We fished some of the way from Galveston across to key west. But we didn't catch anything. Bet it tasted great!
The Admiral is out of town this week. Tonight I am drinking beer and enjoying the cheap waterfront property.
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Wifey B: In bed with hubby watching the Golden State Warriors show what caring and team work are about to the team with the least heart and desire of any talented NBA team I've ever seen. Sir Beard Star-a-Lot just watches on defense as players run by him and complains because their center jokes a lot. They long ago quit on this season. I don't like quitters. GS up 22 points at halftime while playing without their best player in a closeout game (win or go home for Houston). Said center at least has a bunch of offensive rebounds on the bearded one's and teammates misses.

Unfortunately our beloved Heat played our more beloved Hornets tonight so we had to root against them. That was hard.

GS up 33 now in the 3rd.
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Building a dirt house. Basically a remodel by "Caterpillar".

We are doing the same thing. The house will be SIP (structural insulated panel) super insulated. Te site work and foundation is done. House starts going up 6 June the day after we get home from Greece.

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