Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Matt, you're giving those million-plus dollar yachts a run for their money.
I'd like to have sunglass consignment on the sunny day you SPLASH!

:speed boat: :thumb: :speed boat: :thumb:
DA sanding in P600 grit paper ready for graphite coating and hand sanding in P1500 grit in the coming days.


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You are a classic "one man band"... with a great one man women to back you up!

And, a few helpers that occasionally assist you to keep moving forward.

What you have done [and continue doing] here can not be surpassed by anyone anywhere in the world.

Applause is being internationally heard from all on TF who have followed your endeavor!

Keep up the great work.

SPLASH is coming for SOLSTICE and - is especially deserved by YOU.....
You are a classic "one man band"... with a great one man women to back you up!

And, a few helpers that occasionally assist you to keep moving forward.

What you have done [and continue doing] here can not be surpassed by anyone anywhere in the world.

Applause is being internationally heard from all on TF who have followed your endeavor!

Keep up the great work.

SPLASH is coming for SOLSTICE and - is especially deserved by YOU.....

Thank you mate. You’re too kind ;-)
Going to have to wear dark sunglasses at night to see your boat.

Looking great!!
Now, let's get it wet and go for a ride!!!
Hand sanding with P1500 grit this afternoon. This really is starting to hurt the ol right shoulder. The plan is we should have the midrail to the gunwale from midships aft finished tomorrow and then down on to the chine to midrail section from the stern fwd to see out the afternoon. Thursday should see the section fwd of the midships done then Friday to finish off with the transom before setting up the scaffold and beginning the machine polishing processes.


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A sanding you shall go. A sanding you shall go. Hi Ho the Merry O'... a sanding you shall go!

Good luck with relieving the shoulder pain.

I hope for your health sake there's a young guy that hangs around looking for work at the boatyard. Perchance you can get a young helper at reasonable cost to do some of the sanding grunt work?
A sanding you shall go. A sanding you shall go. Hi Ho the Merry O'... a sanding you shall go!

Good luck with relieving the shoulder pain.

I hope for your health sake there's a young guy that hangs around looking for work at the boatyard. Perchance you can get a young helper at reasonable cost to do some of the sanding grunt work?

Lol I’ll push on mate. I’ll try my left for a few days.
Lol I’ll push on mate. I’ll try my left for a few days.

Wish I could be there to assist. I may be 67... but... I can still push a mean block of sandpaper! :thumb: :D
More goals today. Both sides are now rubbed back with P1500 grit paper. I really had to dig deep this afternoon as it was a real slog to the finish but I am almost there. Tomorrow I’ll do the transom and touch up some painting on the transom door then Monday it’ll be machine polishing to cut out the sanding scratches and bring it up like a mirror.


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This afternoon I rubbed the transom back with P1500 sandpaper then sanded and painted the topside mitres and the top of the transom door in neutral grey. Supposed to be raining tonight so I’ve covered the fresh paint with a panel so I don’t get any water marks in to. After that I painted the roof brow in koala grey after it was damaged fitting the roof strut. I’ll let the fresh paint work set up for the week and will begin compound cutting and polishing the hull.


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For as long and hard as you and your mate have worked, I do hope one day soon, the boat will actually get wet.
For as long and hard as you and your mate have worked, I do hope one day soon, the boat will actually get wet.

Lol I broke my mate. He pulled the pin yesterday. Was fun while it lasted lol.

The boat will be done when she’s done and will get wet when I’m ready for her to. Until then I’ll keep chippy away at it.
Dumb question here, but I notice all the TLC you're putting in to finishing that hull & wonder if you or anyone else here know if production boat companies put in that much work into their hulls. I'm doubting it.
Dumb question here, but I notice all the TLC you're putting in to finishing that hull & wonder if you or anyone else here know if production boat companies put in that much work into their hulls. I'm doubting it.

+1 :thumb:
Wax, buff and out the door.
For as long and hard as you and your mate have worked, I do hope one day soon, the boat will actually get wet.
The only way the boat will get wet is if Matt hoses the dust off it just before it is transferred to the Australian Maritime Museum. :whistling:
Dumb question here, but I notice all the TLC you're putting in to finishing that hull & wonder if you or anyone else here know if production boat companies put in that much work into their hulls. I'm doubting it.

Not sure buddy.
Dumb question here, but I notice all the TLC you're putting in to finishing that hull & wonder if you or anyone else here know if production boat companies put in that much work into their hulls. I'm doubting it.
If the gel coat is applied to the molds properly, it will come out smooth and with a quick wax will give a near mirror finish.
Mirror On The Wall... SOLSTICE is the fairest of them all!
Lol don’t look too closely then ;-)

I wear thick glasses... tell many items by touch, smell and sound.

I'm feel your creative efforts

Never noticed a scent of anything but sweetness from your incredible project

All I've heard from you is extra good!

Never forget... Artists who create the most famous art work throughout the centuries are the only ones who know the imperfections. To we viewers, the art [i.e. your creation of SOLSTICE] is flawless!!! :thumb:
People asked “why am I bothering sanding the paint” .... “You’re too fussy” .... “ just chuck it in the piss” .... I’ve been scoffed at and told I’m wasting my time. I’ve just taken it on the chin because I knew my time would shine and boy did we shine today! The results speak for themselves and I couldn’t be happier; actually I’m over the fkn moon!!!


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