Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

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First day back at the boat since Thursday morning. Great to see the white and grey contrast now the plastic is off. Once I finished drooling I began wet sanding the white on the superstructure on the Portside with P600 on the DA then hand rubbed with P1200. Tomorrow I’ll start compounding and cutting with the machine and wool pad. Then after I got home I opened my delivery from Holland which contained my wipers, wiper motor and washer bottle.


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Yes sir, looking good[emoji106]
Wipers are a really good thang ta have operational when the going gets rough!!
This afternoon I was Machine polishing the section I was P1200 wet sanding yesterday. It’s more work and people think I’m nuts for doing it but the results speak for themselves. I couldn’t be happier with the finish.


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WOW... looks great.
It must be an emotional challenge to take a sander to a new paint job?
It does shine! And you must be glowing inside?
The sales of sunglasses and white canes just went sky high around Perth.

A new record was set today for the largest motorize mirror upon the sea and is based on the ideas of some workaholic Ute driver's imagination, of what he could do, starting with what some people would regard as a pile of junk.

WOW... looks great.
It must be an emotional challenge to take a sander to a new paint job?
It does shine! And you must be glowing inside?

Lol not emotional as much as you’d think. I wasn’t happy with the finish. I’m emotional now because I’m happy with the finish hahaha
The sales of sunglasses and white canes just went sky high around Perth.

A new record was set today for the largest motorize mirror upon the sea and is based on the ideas of some workaholic Ute driver's imagination, of what he could do, starting with what some people would regard as a pile of junk.


Hahaha thanks mate
I'm going to the eye doc today. Have this glaring white spot in both eyes after looking closely at your pictures.

Can't find the word to tell you how impressed I am!!

You don't need worry bout cops boarding. Just turn SOLSTICE so the sun reflection melts their boat!!!!
I'm going to the eye doc today. Have this glaring white spot in both eyes after looking closely at your pictures.

Can't find the word to tell you how impressed I am!!

You don't need worry bout cops boarding. Just turn SOLSTICE so the sun reflection melts their boat!!!!

The other day I used my phone to take a look at progress on my favorite Forum, I wasn’t signed in, so i ended up on page one...

Amazing work Matt, I’ve enjoyed following along,


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Heck - I'd know that was the same boat in a jiffy!! Just one look at it and you can tell....

Congrats Matt on all you have done! Some quite mornings I can see your splash in my slumber dreams... "That SPLASH" will be heard round the world! :thumb:

Busy couple of days finishing of the Portside of the superstructure and now I’m heading down the starboard side now from now to stern. Still a bit hazy but just before launch I’ll wash it all and give it a final polish with a different polish that will remove that and bring out the shine. Pretty stoked so far. Looks so much better. I should have the white knocked off next week then I’ll start on the hull and transom doing the same wet hand sanding then compounding and polishing to the grey.


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Heck - I'd know that was the same boat in a jiffy!! Just one look at it and you can tell....

Congrats Matt on all you have done! Some quite mornings I can see your splash in my slumber dreams... "That SPLASH" will be heard round the world! :thumb:

Thanks mate. Very similar hey! Lol very slow and expensive rebirthing racket
Thanks mate. Very similar hey! Lol very slow and expensive rebirthing racket

When U Mom minted you... They sequestered your design. You are one of a kind! :thumb:
Busy couple of days finishing of the Portside of the superstructure and now I’m heading down the starboard side now from now to stern. Still a bit hazy but just before launch I’ll wash it all and give it a final polish with a different polish that will remove that and bring out the shine. Pretty stoked so far. Looks so much better. I should have the white knocked off next week then I’ll start on the hull and transom doing the same wet hand sanding then compounding and polishing to the grey.

She polished up well after fresh paint. Thanks for the extra sunlight up here in southeast US. We needed a few extra rays. :D

Back in to it this afternoon after the ol’ CBF’d feelings yesterday. This arvo I machine sanded the starboard side of the superstructure with P1200 sandpaper then rubbed on some graphite guide powder then blocked back by hand with P1500 sandpaper. Tomorrow I’ll be on the machine polisher going through the different grade cutting compounds and polishes until she’s like a mirror.


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