Music favs

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Allison Krauss,

WOW! Steve, thanks for that. I don't know why I didn't think of Allison Krauss. She has one of the best, sweetest and distinctive voices around today. Union Station is one of the best if not the best all acoustic bands today. Just a great post.
One more tonight. This is a young group that we will be hearing more from. I don't think Emmylou Harris, who has one of the clearest voices in the business, is easily impressed. Then Emmylou with Mark Knopfler on the same song.

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OK, so I lied a little bit. Just ran across this, and it is just so good. I love this stuff.


Perhaps that would be surprising to post this since I am French but my friend Peter B allowed me to discover a resonant symbol of Australian Spirit which I would share here. This song is very good, too bad I didn't post for Australia National Day, but it is never too late to do the right thing.

Lyrics by Bruce Woodley and Dobe Newton, written in 1987.
My boat was named for this great Bing Crosby/ Grace Kelly song. Incidentally, the only time she ever sang on film...

Oh now that's a beautiful song. And Allison Crouch, oh baby. But here's ours. Lots of versions of this one, but in my opinion Susannah McCorkle owned it and nobody else ever came close. It's our song because my wife and I have the same birthday in March, and unless we keep the one we have now, our biggest and last boat for our sail into the sunset will be named Waters of March.
Oh now that's a beautiful song. And Allison Crouch, oh baby. But here's ours. Lots of versions of this one, but in my opinion Susannah McCorkle owned it and nobody else ever came close. It's our song because my wife and I have the same birthday in March, and unless we keep the one we have now, our biggest and last boat for our sail into the sunset will be named Waters of March.

Ha! And I thought Waters of March was a Basia song...
I like this heartfelt version of Leonard Cohen's anthem by these four Norwegians. Worth listening to the end to prove that looks can be deceiving. (Haven't read the whole thread, so I hope this hasn't been posted already.)

Here is Leslie Feist singing for Don.,v:v&fr=mcafee&tt=b

She made several videos with Director Patrick Daughters. They all involve very long takes with complicated choreography. Her song 1234, and his video of it was used in an Apple commercial. One amazing long take with the camera and people going everywhere.,v:v&fr=mcafee&tt=b

Way cool!:socool: Thanks, Parks.
How about a sad one:

If that ain't sad enough, check this version:

Wow, Steve, when AJ sang that song at George Jones' funeral with George's wife present it was poignant. George and his then wife, Tammy Wynette, wrote two of the top country music songs ever. George's "He Stopped Loving Her Today", and Tammy's "D I V O R C E" are both considered arguably the best country songs. This is a great contribution that is well presented. Thanks.

Here's another from the funeral that was especially poignant. George and Tammy had their struggles in life, but it is evident how much the artists loved him. Here are Patty loveless and Vince Gill singing "Go Rest High on that Mountain". A little verbiage in the preamble, but it shows what George meant to country music. He was truly one of a kind.

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That was a very good, difficult, job by Vince Gill & Patty Loveless !

Here is some Sade:


So that you still love me

I understood every word, I understood well, thank you
Reasonable and new, that's what it's like around here
How the things have changed, how the flowers have faded
How the past was the past
How if everything changes and gets boring, love also fades away

You need to know

I will search for your heart if you take it elsewhere
Even if when you dance, others dance too
I will search for your soul, in the cold, in the flames
I will cast spells on you so that you still love me

Shouldn't have started to attract me, to touch me
Shouldn't have given so much, I don't know how to play
People tell me that today, people tell me that others do it like this
I'm not "the others" 1
Before we get too attached, before we spoil everything

I want you to know

I will search for your heart if you take it elsewhere
Even if when you dance, others dance too
I will search for your soul, in the cold, in the flames
I will cast spells on you so that you still love me

I will find new languages to sing your praises
I will pack our bags for eternal harvests
The magic phrases from the African marabouts2
I will say them without regrets so that you still love me

I will crown myself Queen so that you keep me
I will make myself new, so that the fire starts again
I will become these "other people" that give you pleasure
Your games will be ours, if that's what you want

Brighter, more beautiful, for another spark
I will turn into gold so that you still love me
Beautiful, Pilou. I don't have to understand the words to recognize beautiful music.

What a beautiful version, didn't know someone had written French lyrics. Funny, coincidentally my father just sent me a sailboat music box that plays that song and rocks the sailboat. Well, not exactly a box, it's a...well, here's a photo.

What do you know, the French version was first.
Just heard Al Jarreau died yesterday US time, age 76. Great voice, huge loss.
Beautiful, Pilou. I don't have to understand the words to recognize beautiful music.

Don, you are right,

But today is Valentine's Day then to post this beautiful & melancholic French love song was a romantic gateway in the Celebration Day of romance, translation of the lyrics just helped here to figure out the connection between music and the heart.

Happy Valentine's Day to all ❤
Well, it's probably evident that I like Van Morrison's music. Here' one he wrote over 50 years ago.

And here's one he wrote that I feel compelled to post.

Brown Eyed Girl, one of my all time favorites!
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