Hey, Matt, me mate...
I'm confident that you need some down time, and, that you sure as heck deserve it.
Mental/physical/emotional pressure regarding your SOLSTICE build must be great on you from within yourself and from without regarding your family and friends. Task you chose to accomplish is herculean in scope and nature. I can only imagine the $$$ drain as well as relationship bumps due to your never ending perfection desires and greatly time consuming successes while building SOLSTICE into a beautiful, soulful craft.
Your TF fan base [myself very much included] has become unendingly enthralled at watching and reading about your capabilities that can develop an artistic, useful and valuable large item in physical form; only one in 20 million persons might be able to accomplish what you do so well.
We are voyeurs enjoying your creation as we vicariously try to place ourselves into your head and on-the-set of your building wonderments. And, that 1 in 20M number is only if they were as inventive in design visions and as diligent in work ethics as you... having said that sentence... I raise the bar for those that might come close to matching your accomplishments from 1 in 20M to 1 in 50 million. Does that make you special - Damn right it does!!
Here's to hoping all is well and OK with you and yours. I am [we're all] always ready to continue rooting you on whenever you are ready to get "back aboard" SOLSTICE for proceeding toward one of the biggest and best Splashes ever provided for globally dispersed pleasure boaters to enjoy and wonder in awe at.
I can hardly wait! But take what ever time makes it comfortable for you and yours!!
Your mate.