KO Steve - Sooo you asked! I will say that these and other masonry, concrete, tile, stucco tools have been so many times called as incorrect names/terms by "newbies" to the trade... I can't anyway remember all the mistakes!
- Chicken Legs = concrete block line stretchers ["usually" can not be used for bricks]
Newbie names: "Pullers" / Line fasteners / Long Things with Nubs
- Line Blocks = brick line stretchers ["easily" can be used for blocks too]
Newbie names: Wood Squares / Slotted Wood Pieces
- Brick Stone = carborundum stone [used for many situations of surface grinding]
Newbie names: Gray-Blue Scrubbers / Stone Scraper
- Trig = thin metal piece [to support thin-line on grade when stretched long distance] Newbie names:
Ice Cream Stick / Money Clip / Skinny Tin Thing
Come-along = long handled "puller or pusher" flat-blade [for moving concrete into position while it is being poured]
Newbie names: Solid Rake / Flat Metal Rake
- Bull Float = broad flat concrete-slab surface finisher [with articulating fastener to accept up to 30' of extension handles. Material usually mahogany or magnesium]
Newbie names: Big Finish Trowel / Flat Concrete Float
- Spacers = various size uniform-separators used between tiles
Newbie names: Inserts / Spreaders
Here's my favorite - I'll never forget it!: 1970 on a masonry job in Maine a newbie walks into room where I was building a fireplace front. He asks... Where can I get a
spatula? I answered... At McDonalds. He was not pleased as the mason he was working with in another sector asked him to get a tool. Irritatingly he repeats - and says...
I need a spatula. I told him there is no such thing on the job. So... he wanders around until he found what he was looking for.
It was a Brick Trowel. I guess if you don't care about calling things by their correct name... the word "
Spatula" works for you regarding a
Brick Trowel... there is weird sort of resemblance LOL.
That story is not unlike incorrect marine names/terms some newbie boaters use around boats. If a newbie feels that their incorrect names/terms are actually OK to continue using in marine doings... they are disrespectful, self-centered and not overly bright - IMO!!